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  • His name is digger Nick!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 1:03pm
  • Steph must have the Jungle Fever... And the only prescription is MORE BLACK COCK!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 12:37pm
  • Fuck Steph West love, the pregnant girl behind you in Bedford

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 11:12pm
  • Why explain that he was an adult? Was she in the habit of spooning with black children?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 12:40pm
  • White girls getting with black men is gross. The girl is useless to all white men from that point on.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 1:21pm
  • Feel bad for the black guy

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 12:56pm
  • 2:47 is funny calling people idiots, but then saying "their" all people.. I mean.. grats on being "color-blind" or whatever.. but damn.. you need to make it English 101 every now and then.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 2:54pm
  • White men are useless to us white girls thats why we need to venture outside the disgusting white race

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 1:34pm
  • Oh, mindless racism/sexism, how I love thee.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 1:49pm
  • Wow.... you said the n word.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 1:08pm
  • It's funny because it's a 14 year old's slumber party. - Geoff

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 12:26pm
  • So, this one time, I walked in on my girl fucking a black man, and all she could say is, "It wasn't me." Bitch is so fucking stupid... -White Guy

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 5:09pm
  • wow. is it all bigots and retards on this site these days? get a clueeeee people. black, white, red their all people u idiots.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 2:47pm
  • Jeff, you most definitely failed at being Jeff this time.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 12:24pm
  • um... I still don't see why this is funny. Oh and when white guys have amazing bodies as a normal thing maybe we'll fuck you too! Assholes.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 3:31pm
  • Ewww scary a adult black man! Shut the fuck up stupid!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 12:13pm
  • i know a stephanie that went black.ew. - the end

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 20, 09 at 12:02am
  • You know what they say once you go black you will probably get stabbed....or have good credit.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 2:48pm
  • u got pwnd steph, now you're maggot infesed. p0wn3r 0f n00bs

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 2:18pm
  • (636): we were spooning and you were the big spoon but you insisted that I call you "the ladle" Think this was the same guy?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 1:43pm
  • Good plan 1:34. Enjoy living in poverty, getting battered routinely and then kicked out with your 4 half breed kids under the age of 8.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 1:39pm
  • you know what they say.. once you go black.. you lose the respect of society, your friends and your family and lol at the people who believe that black men have noticeably larger penises

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 24, 09 at 2:00am
  • as opposed to a baby black man

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 6:42pm
  • Where's the love? I've dated every race [except asians, they just won't have it] and I'm black. If you want to help the world, you gotta spread the love... And legs for the ladies. =D

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 5:26pm
  • 3:31 - You talk good shit now. One day you will want a stable man with a good job who cares about you and can provide a good life for raising a family. But none of them will have you because when you were young you were a whore who just wanted to fuck black guys with big dicks. You'll be less full of yourself then.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 4:17pm
  • When racoons get our porch momma just sweeps them off with a broom. Not racoons you idiot N@

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 1:19pm
  • ))<>(( back and forth forever

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 12:34pm
  • (507) You know that one street in minneapolis that you're not supposed to go down with a red car? I think im on it :/ (1-507) soooooo...... did you get shot?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 5:35pm
  • Hah Jeff is funny. Not the fake one the second one

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 10:28pm
  • if the OP and Steph are teenagers and the guy is mid 20s or older then I don't see why it's weird to make the distinction...?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 12:47pm
  • Useless til you're ready to get married, then you want men with money. White girls are just all around whores.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 1:43pm
  • The clue is, people who annoy you

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 1:15pm
  • Once you go black...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 12:36pm
  • as opposed to a little black child?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 12:14pm
  • ya he sure did dieded.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 6:29pm
  • Oh I see. When the OP took Steph out for her daily walk she didn't anticipate partying with a homeless gentleman, but one thing led to another so that's why she was surprised to see her teacup poodle spooning with the adult black man, as opposed to ainfant or even child black man! -Jeff

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 1:12pm
  • Well, I'm pretty sure Steph had a gooood gooood night. ;)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 20, 09 at 2:15am
  • 1:21 I'm sure u arent ever goin to be able to please her again she'll just fake it and never call u again some people ruin it for little dicks, I mean white guys.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 8:34pm
  • Oh I get it, cause she was drunk so she got with the opposite race. -Jeff

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 12:20pm
  • FYI for all u fucking idiots that commented on my puttting adult black man- she is 16... Hence adult meaning above 18 A. Gross B. She's a bit skanky I have no problem with the fact that he was black--I love black cock it's just better

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 9, 10 at 6:50pm
  • lol why does she have to add "adult" to black man. what a retard.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 1:01pm
  • Way to rep the 386 with a lame text!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 12:58pm