I'm not trying to start an argument,
but I read the book.
and to be honest, unless you've never read a real book, twilight is not very well written,
I read the book when it first came out,
I actually did not finish it, meyer's writing was so bad.
and a lot of the reason it was popular is because girls want to find true love.
I'm a girl and if a sparkly vampire stalked me through my window... well I wouldn't be too happy.
I got drug to it by my gf and was pissed off but honestly it wasnt to bad. I mean i wont be rushing to buy the dvd but the 2 hours went by pretty quick.
Ya us guys might have been drug along for the show but I'm pretty sure that we all got laid afterwards. So here's to a moment of silence for the guys that don't have girlfriends to drag them to movies
New Mioon is an allegory for chastity, written by a Mormon woman, hoping to influence the behavior of young people. Y'all need to truly understand what you're reading
11:21 that's my kind of night... But we stayed home and shagged while watching Indiana jones. and i guess i need to work on the whipped part cuz mu movie buff boyfriend refuses to go... but he bought me twilight
8:51. No one is saying that meyers has two phd's in writing. It's a style that fits a fictional story. She isn't writing a scholarly journal. This is 7:54
i go see some dumb ass movies for my bf, we'll see new moon at some point...a late show on a week night, it's cheaper, less people and he'll probs get a hand job during the movie. i don't feel bad for him.
No sex is worth being dragged to that steaming pile of shit. I'm a chick who hates the whole franchise and even the premise with a vile passion. Give me some REAL vampires and werewolves, not some teeny-bopper, angsty, whiny bullshit, and we'd be good to go. LOL
Hahahaha I went but I don't remember the movie we made out the whole time and threw popcorn at the adolecent girls with their phones out taking pics of Jacob I'd call that sucessful
907...New Moon is the best movie ever??? Are you fucking serrious??? You HAVE to be a tween to say that statement. There are tons better movies than that. Ever heard of The Dark Knight???
just putting it out there, i hate twilight, got ask to go to it by a "9." I said "NO!!!" then she tried seducing me with sex......i still didn't go but i got sex anyway and convinced her that she would've hated it....SINGLE AND LOVIN IT!!
i must say.. i'm one of those poor bastards that got dragged to it on thursday fuckin night. it's one of the shittiest movies i've ever seen.. my gf gave up the poon for it, and i still don't think it was worth it.. i'm finding myself a new girl
This book is for teenie boppers u morons of couse u will think it's written bad----it's not a classic love story---it's for teens---but mote people caught on and love it too. Jesus, she's making millions off it sooo she must be doing something right! Oh and kudos to the MEN who took their girls to the movie!!!
I'm a straight guy and feel bad for all the hard asses who don't like this saga. The same people who will never read a book because their such hard asses. New moon was great.
Anonymous said...
i love my gf, she hates twighlight :D
- My GF doesn't hate it, but she doesnt particularly like it so I didn't have to get dragged to go see it xD haha.
Imma girl and love new moon and twilight. I didn't have to force my bf to go...he just went cuz he wanted to. But honestly I wouldn't force him to go. If he didn't wanna go he could have stayed home. Needless to say he's a great guy. And he got some after.
Lol. If you feel sorry for them you're no better
Than them, 7:54, you're still an obsessive tool
posting on a website about (presumably)
other people's lives. I'm a loser for posting.
You think I care?
Yada yada yada.. Who gives a shit.Cool, you went with your girlfriend and got laid, you go see any chick flick, and you probably will too. It's just like any other movie, some like it some don't. Can't pleAse evvvveerrrrrryyyybodu these days.
Haha funny it's more like my husband and I went and we invite our friend but he couldn't go because his new gf said he HAD to see it with her and deffinately not before she saw it, now that is pussy whipped
Their ability to be able to look themselves in the mirror with pride is not worth the chance that they get it in... RIP to all those dumbasses that didn't man up and say no
Haha every SINGLE guy in the country should have been all over this shit! You know why? It's a giant womens sleepover!! Sparknote some shit from the book and you're guaranteed to get some that night
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