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  • Yeah. That tuff mall interview. Breathing.....check boobs.......check dumb as a box of rock.......

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 25, 09 at 8:14pm
  • .....(_o_)(_o_)...... ........\............/..... ......../....Y......\....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 25, 09 at 6:31pm
  • it's the hamilton mall you fucking idiots

    Submitted by incarnate609 on Feb 10, 10 at 10:41am
  • The mall for 609 would be the Cherry Hill mall... and there is nooo pet store. I know, I worked there for a year. I sooo don't know about this.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 29, 09 at 6:15pm
  • pennsauken mart was closed down a few years ago, this person MUST be talking about the HAMILTON MALL

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 31, 09 at 12:01pm
  • Where's jeff when I need him?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 26, 09 at 7:08am
  • There isn't a pet store at the mall....i call shenanigans

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 25, 09 at 9:55pm
  • 6:56 you have got it right. you gotta love south jersey.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 25, 09 at 7:02pm
  • What a silly noodlepoof.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 25, 09 at 7:26pm
  • stooooop. this same shit happened to me for a job interview last week. the details were a little different but the general story line was the same. got fucked up the night before and then realized you had a job interview in a few hours. classic.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 25, 09 at 7:01pm
  • That's dedication. You're hired, whoever you are.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 25, 09 at 6:05pm
  • gotta love south jersey

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 25, 09 at 6:56pm
  • hmm.. pet store at the mall.. the only one i can think of in south jersey is the one that's at the vorhees mall but i think that's gone.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 26, 09 at 12:12am
  • To all those doubting that this person THOUGHT they were interviewing at a mall... I submit this: IT'S FUCKING SOUTH JERSEY! Is it SO inconceivable this person was referring to the Pennsauken Mart or the Berlin Farmer's Market as a mall? No. It is not. This is South Jersey we're talking about. Think about it.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 7, 09 at 10:38pm
  • Wow. A whole box of rock??

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 26, 09 at 12:04am