couches can melt on hallucinogenic drugs...i've experienced that.
i dont know the gnome fella though, i think you took your fake text too far my friend.
funny stuff, who ever said the person wasnt being sarcastic anyway. think everyone is getting a little to worked up here, either way its good for a laugh
Im sure it can happen. I tripped on good ass weed before! I got lost last time I smoked the shit was so good. I got lost a block from my friends house................It took me 15 min just to go around the block.
Good ass Weed and driving at night dont mix
I decided to try some shrooms earlier, my silverware won't shut up and now the WALLS are yelling at me too! I can't win! "Well you know what, Lamp? I'm getting pretty tired of your shit too. GOD!"
good god you are all a bunch of fuckin bitches...who gives a fuck if its fake or not...its funny as shit, and you who said you have had the "dankest" shrooms...thats what you call weed you fuckin homo...
feeling like the couch melting true... seeing a gnome on your shoulder is bullshit. If anything it just makes you visualize weird moving patterns on stuff...
obviously fake... It wouldnt be if it was LSD, but not with shrooms. fake ass post buddy
april 29 5:14 comment;
I did DMT, no point in time did I see any elfish gnomish creatures running amock.
Melting objects, sure.... trippy visualizations, heck yes, my skin becoming translucent ; better believe it.
shrooms do cost 40 bucks now for a good time...depends where u ass...which brings me to the point that everybody's taking different shrooms and weed, thats why traveling is so nice lol....but if you saw a gnome on your shoulder, i would like to trip that shit...and please tell me i'm gonna see weird shit when i drop lucy
It's actually not that uncommon to see small, elf type figures on particularly intense psychedelic trips. It's more common with DMT, but it happens sometimes with mushrooms.
people are stupid, shrooms dont create anything thats not already there. they may enhance your senses and distort previously existing objects, but do not create things from nothing.
yes it can, when you have a bad trip it can, my friend had a bad trip and she saw demons everywhere and her shoes were like talking to her and demons in cars
you can text on shrooms....sorta, like the keyboard is a gateway to your inner thoughts sorta. so yeah, if this person is trippin and tryin to be funny, sounds about right
If you have open eyed hallucinations on weed you're a fucking moron trying to be cool or you got laces weed. And before you say it has to be really dank shit to hallucinate I smoke chronic/oil/budder every day.
Yeah same, It really just depends on the persons mind and how they take it, shrooms is a really unpredictable drug and anything can happened that's way it's so dangerous
uh whoever said you cant talk to stuff on shrooms is definitely wrong, just cuz thats not how you trip doesnt mean its wrong. sorry youre not gettin the good stuff suckers
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