Arizona State for life.
Single greatest choice I have ever made.
I am basically being paid by this school to have the time of my life.
Fuck going to Harvard.
I'd rather be out enjoying the prime time of my youth than huddled up in the basement of the library every weekend with a bunch of snot-nosed assholes.
By the way, Tucson can eat my ass.
registering for classes at ASU is like saying, "Ya, I do wanna get fucking drunk every night and fuck some of the hottest girls in the nation.... and still get the same jobs other assholes are gonna get from waaaaaay overpriced, more poorly located schools."
Yeah Fork em Devils!! And please stop all the hate on Arizona State, just because the University has a 90.3% acceptance rate, that doesn't make the school any less rigorous than the next school out there.
So U of A can continue to suck it and mind their own damn business down in their 'border town' excuse of a campus and do us all a favor and work on trying to get re-instated back into the great 'ol nation South of the Border.
THIS TOTALLY HAPPENED TO MY FRIEND AND I!! we went to our health class LITERALLY 4 times.. and we both just finished the class with over a 100%... best part..we didnt take the final!
Lol lots of ASU hate. Just go to school, fools!
As for OP's question? ...yes. Yes, it is. ><
((Also, people at Poly are almost as bad, too. Although I do agree that Tempe is a wretched hive of scum and villainy.
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