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  • Why can't gator fans clap right?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 4:48pm
  • i dont feel like scrolling back up to see who said it...but the whole "scripture on his bedroom eyes" was pretty damn funny.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 4:10pm
  • Right, so any team that is doing good can't have real fans? They're all bandwagon? Seriously, don't talk about shit you don't understand.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 6:27pm
  • 3:08...too bad he didn't kick alabama's ass when it really mattered.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 3:11pm
  • 3:08 - ya, tell that to Alabama crybaby

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 3:10pm
  • This text is the most fabulous thing to ever be posted on TFLN...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 2:24pm

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 12:57am
  • I am sure he is a great person and I think he has balls to be as open about his faith as he is, that said I'm so tired of people talking about him like the sun shines out of his ass! He's only that good because of his line, anyone decent qb would be that good too if the had three minutes to throw the ball! Thank heaven he didn't win again!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 4:09pm
  • Y'all are giving someone shit for sticking to his own, personal values and standards. Y'all are the pussies! (and I live in TX)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 5:09pm
  • This had to have been from a UGA student...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 12:48am
  • Dont talk shit bout tebow. When your as accomplished as he is and still be humble than maybe you can talk. Btw hes not a virgin google his girlfriend. Hot pussy like that isn't not gonna have sex.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 19, 10 at 11:45pm
  • Tebow ain't so bad. But his fans are fucking annoying.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 4:30pm
  • timmy tebow is sexier, more talented, and a better man than any of you will ever be, you shouldnt hate him for that

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 3:10pm
  • Alabama's bitch haha rmft

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 2:58pm
  • fuck you Tebow is the man!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 1:50am
  • 4:48 "Why can't gator fans clap right?" HAHAHA!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 5:48pm
  • Tebag Tebitch! Did anyone else note his bible verse for the sec champ game? What a bitch. He was never good and thank god the media has finally stopped making him out to be a fucking saint. Roll motherfucking tide. I hope you still are in a corner crying.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 5:56pm
  • ROLL TIDE ROLL! cry bitch along with your "fans" and media alabama is going to the national championship so have fun with your little bowl game when i saw tebow cry on tv it made me smile and made the win THAT much better

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 7:01pm
  • Don't talk shit about Tebow? Accomplishments? Like what choking against Bama? Choking at the Senior Bowl? Never becoming a pro quarterback? Suck my ballsack Gator boy. Teblow is a fahhggootttt!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 2, 10 at 11:39am

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 3:09pm
  • It's hilarious how you sluts want to fuck him just because of who he is. Willing to bet you are all Tri Delts. 3:30 was right. He wont be shit in the NFL. He will get released early just like Josh Heupel did . Not knocking his faith and beliefs but my god what a pussy

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 3:52pm
  • tebow is gonna be fucking dudes though

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 3:01pm
  • There' s a difference in crying because you won an award and crying because you lost a game. Just sayin'.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 4:00pm
  • I actually go to UF, and of there is no way he is a virgin. Girls literally take their clothes off (in public) and THROW themselves at him everyday.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 17, 09 at 12:57am
  • Terrible. Tebow will never do the things tiger has done. He's too good a person

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 12:03am
  • Tebows will be men not "women in the service industry"!!! Love this one!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 7:51pm
  • hey 4:30 ALL FLORIDA FANS ARE FUCKING ANNOYING . And there also the biggest bandwagon fans i've ever seen .

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 4:35pm
  • ROLL TIDE ROLL! cry bitch along with your "fans" and media alabama is going to the national championship so have fun with your little bowl game when i saw tebow cry on tv it made me smile and made the win THAT much better

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 7:03pm
  • 11:34 is ALL for Texas...I HATE alabama more than I hate Tebow. I would've preferred Florida beat Alabama..I just REALLY hate that they make it seem like Tebow is the only team member and he made the whole

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 12:41pm
  • 7:01 hell fucking yes RMFT

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 7:12pm
  • I'd rather see it happen to Peyton Manning than to Tebow.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 4:09pm
  • all of you are fucking stupid! Tim Tebow is a great human being. Its sad that all of you are so jealous that you feel the need to talk shit about him on a stupid website

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 17, 09 at 7:40pm
  • Dear stupid Alabama fans, quit giving the normal Alabama fans a bad name.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 12:11am
  • Omg yes dude tebow sucks massive cock.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 7:18pm
  • Ok, anyone who actually had the balls to play foot all knows how passionate it can and should be. I cried after my last game, and so did almost every one of my tramates. Tebow played with more passion than anyone in college football. I would have cried if I were him too. Not a gator fan, but I got all the respect in the world for tebow

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 6:52pm
  • People talking so much shit about tebow crying is really annoying. People cry in every sport. Football.. Look at brett favre the first time he retired. As far as basketball: anybody remember Adam morrisson crying after losing in the final four? Those of u talkin shit about him crying has never played sports or put all the passion into anything.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 11:02pm
  • I was at the sec championship and me and my date had soooo much fun watching tenow crash and burn!!! Roll tide!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 9:28pm
  • That's crap!! Tenor is a faithful christian, why would you want that to happen to him??

    Submitted by bear2013 on Jul 2, 10 at 9:22am
  • Another of the under medicated speaks.....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 6:42pm
  • Tebow won't be shit in the NFL. Too slow for an RB, and too small for a QB.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 3:30pm
  • Tim Tebow and Tyler Hansbrough 69 on a regular basis.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 5:41am
  • Tebow got owned in 2007, just sayin.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 12:46am
  • tebow would probably cry if caught...what a baby.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 18, 09 at 1:54am
  • do you think he wears scripture on his bedroom eyes? and good luck with your life decisions 2:27 and 2:46

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 2:54pm
  • oh how i hateeeeeeeeee the tebowww!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 7, 10 at 2:24pm
  • I LOVE TIM TEBOW!!!! Amazing person And amazing quarterback. So all you haters need to shut up and Grow up. Go Gators!!!!! And Hook Em Horns!!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 6:35pm
  • My Timmy would never do anything remotely close to this!!!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 2:27pm
  • In Soviet Russia Tiger fuck Tebow.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 8:23pm
  • hahhahahha! but that won't happen. Tim Tebow cries on national television.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 6:27pm
  • 2:55: He'd probably cry during sex.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 3:02pm
  • i love tiger and tebow

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 4:19pm
  • Tebow would probably cry after sex

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 2:55pm
  • Tebag def likes dudes. It's almost a fact.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 6:39pm
  • Go GATORS! We still love Tebow!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 10:28am
  • Fuck all yall tebow haters. I'd hate him if he wasn't on my team too. TEBOW FOR PRESIDENT!!!!! fuck UGA

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 9:27pm
  • ROLL TIDE ROLL! cry bitch along with your "fans" and media alabama is going to the national championship so have fun with your little bowl game when i saw tebow cry on tv it made me smile and made the win THAT much better

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 7:09pm
  • 615... Tebow doesn't have a facebook. Which ever facebook u see is a fake....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 3:38am
  • Just pisses me off everytime he loses he gives his whole "I will work harder" speech. And to get in the pros "I will work harder" it's like damn right you will and so will everyone else.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 22, 09 at 12:05am
  • Yes its great to be a gator...hatr Tht chant brought me through 5 years of football

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 17, 09 at 5:08pm
  • fuck all tebow haters...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 2:59pm
  • 12:23, do you remember when Alabama bent Tebow and the entirety of the Florida team over and raped them in the SEC championship game this year? Beating the undefeated number one team in the nation isn't "earning your stripes? Shut the fuck up fanboy. Thank god he didn't win the Heisman this year, I half expected them to give it to him. "This year's winner is Tim Tebow, well, because he's a senior, and uh, hm.... well they DO talk about him on SportsCenter a lot..."

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 12:45pm
  • I'm going to pray for the first time in my life...for this to actually happen!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 11:09am
  • (205): roll tide baby!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 5:47pm
  • Too bad tebows a virgin dumbass

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 7:42am
  • You're all just jealous cause he's an awesome guy and kicked everyone's ass for years.......Go Gators!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 3:08pm
  • Haha! He'll call a press conference and just cry into the mics the whole time until the reporters get tired and go home.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 2:25pm
  • Wow...the whole group of you are losers...boththe tebow fans and haters you should all go cut yourselves. LSU!!! Geaux Tigers!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 9:34am
  • Can you imagine what his one night stands would look like? It would be a cross between circus freak and church grandma.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 3:43pm

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 11:19pm
  • OMG, FINALLY someone hates Tebow just as much as I do..SOO sick of hearing about him..He is NOT the whole football team, thank goodness..or there would be a BUNCH of sissies out on the fball field crying!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 11:34am
  • Tebow will fail in the NFL. Roll Tide? Try Hook Em'!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 17, 09 at 7:02am
  • too bad he's still a virgin...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 3:03pm
  • Hahaha I agree with 2:46!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 2:47pm
  • hahaha sounds like this girl had a little bit of Tebow herself... *cough* i mean a big bit

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 9:12pm
  • Tebow haters are all jealous tebow could tag 100x more pussy than any of you but he chooses not to. every one of you wish you could be what Tebow is. He's not fuckin mormon either ya dig

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 5:18am
  • although he will most likely fail in the NFL, everybody seems to not realize Tebow has been one of the greatest college football players of all time. im not a huge fan of his or of florida, but he's been better than great for 4 years. that should mean something

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 17, 09 at 12:54pm
  • Some little children from a third-world country are going to speak up about how Tebow touched them inappropriately while singing 'Jesus Loves Me'. They'll be more popular than the kids from Slumdog Millionaire.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 3:02pm
  • funny how everyone said tebow sucked way back when...

    Submitted by bellamari on Dec 25, 11 at 12:46pm
  • fuck you all.. tebow is amazing

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 3:37pm
  • I would LOVE to be one of Tebows one night stands! That would be the best sex ever!!!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 2:46pm
  • HEY ALABAMA... REMEMBER WHEN TEBOW SINGLED HANDLED RUINED YOUR PERFECT SEASON LAST YEAR, you alabama pussies wouldn't have even tried if you werent pissing and moaning how tebow kicked your shit last year. So suck it CRIMSON TIDE... who the hell names their college after a womans period anyway. TEBOW IS the MAN. WE KICKED OSUs ass and Oklahoma. U have to earn ur stripes bama, I hope u choke on dick to texas.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 12:23pm
  • THERES NO CRYING IN FOOTBALL !!!. Pete Carroll didnt cry win he got a clinic put on against his team against Stanford did he ? lol even though he probably should have.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 4:02pm
  • @5:41 you're an idiot. Tim is a legend. He brings joy to children everywhere. Best player in college football for the past 3 years.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 8:33am
  • 2:46, why would you want to have sex with someone who hasn't had sex or probably even jerked off in his whole life. He would cum before he even got it inside

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 2:58pm
  • 12:45 fuck off we all know alabama won it was two extremely good teams playing eachother and one teams gotta win. and why do people hate him because he is over rated? its not like he over rates himself, you should be hating the people that give him so much press what is he supposed to do

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 4:31pm
  • I agree. FUCK YOU!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 2:33pm
  • I saw Tebow cry in person at the SEC title game! It was hilarious!! I'm sick of Tim Tebow. Roll Tide!!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 2:01am
  • People are real low douchebags to wish this on others.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 4:27pm
  • my god ive been waiting so long to read something like this!!!!!!!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 5:17pm
  • well, first off, living in Gainesville, and having been at parties with tebow, i happen to know the tiger situation wont happen to him. thats just not him. second off, he is a hell of a lot better QB than that mcelroy and wilson from last year, who, if yall bama fans remember, cried after the whoopin in the SEC championship last year and the bowl loss to UTAH! but it is true, bama wanted the SEC more this year, they were out for revenge. whatever. we'll be back GO GATORS!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 11:19pm
  • it's sad that we don't want a positive sports role model in our country...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 6:40pm
  • They wudnt give this much press to Tim.. If they ain't do shit to Tom Brady.. Tebow is DEF in the clear

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 2:11pm
  • @640 I agree 100%!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 6:40pm
  • Fuck tebow I hope his Mormon ass burns in hell

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 3:16pm
  • not a gators fan and i hate tebow, but was his last regular season game and his last chance at a national championship. he didn't play how he wanted and his chances got fucked up, you'd cry too

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 2:38am
  • Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 5:25am
  • I'm pretty sure alabama beat Florida

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 9:32am
  • I'm surprised the media hasn't made a bigger deal out of Tom Brady's shenanigans. And Tebow is homosexual, so we won't see any of this happening from him.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 8:34pm
  • Hey 12 46 Im pretty sure tebow didnt get owned in 07. He had 55 tds. Yes the gators got owned i will agree with that but tebow did not personally get owned.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 2:40am
  • I just feel let down by little Timmy. He promised that he would never let us down again!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 6:32am
  • All of you Gator fans- tebow is not a god. And you'll never be back to championship status. Your star qb is leaving and he doesn't even have good throwing skills. The ball drops to his hip before every throw!! That's awful! Alabama will stay on top of the sec. ROll TiDE!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 2:05am
  • this is the most retarded fucking thing i have ever heard

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 15, 09 at 2:43pm