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  • Can 11:21 stfu? This is funny stuff.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 11:22am
  • Can you please go kill yourself?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 11:21am
  • were you just buy curious?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 12:22pm
  • Stop whinging. This text is actually funny though, and I'm sure there are more than a few people on this site who can understand the OP's situation and stupid shit one does when high.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 10:01pm
  • you guys are retarded its just a fucking text get over it. besides, being high is funn :) you should try it sometime assholes

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 2:53pm
  • Why can't you guys just shut the fuck up and just take the text for what it is. Imagine if your friend sent you this wouldn't you get a kick out of it? It's the people who post go kill yourself that should actually kill themselves. Dioshits, move on if you don't like it.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 12:36pm
  • Wow, what is wrong with people? That is hilarious. Do you have nothing better to do than to be douche bags and diss on other people's texts? I'm sure your night was just soooo much more amusing

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 1:22pm
  • 11:43, you look like more of dumbass than any of the people smoking pot. Learn how to spell and type. You also need to learn how to use punctuation. Idiot.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 1:10pm
  • i was so high that i fucked my cat and then ran around naked and pooped in the lawn and tipped the pizza guy too much!!!!! because i was SO HIGH and cant control anything i do!!!!! i love college aged activities!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 12:11pm
  • Sounds like a good time haha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 11:24am
  • Can you please go kill yourself?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 11:21am
  • This is fucking stupid. Anyone who laughs at this dumbshit is probably a 12 year old who thinks smoking pot makes you cool. Get high and chill the fuck out, stop sending fake shit to TFLN

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 8:03pm
  • though when we got in the wig shop it took on racial undertones we weren't anticipating and we left before anybody even asked about our backstory.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 12:42pm
  • You know being high doesn't mean down syndrome you fucking idiot. Man I swear you people are the sole reason it's not legalized cuz of you dumbasses that act like your on acid and can't handle your own Hugh and hippies that are way too into it

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 11:43am
  • Everyone that has posted on here is crazy. You all thought way too hard about the text. Get over it. People smoke and people drink and shit, this is a funny text. Simple as that.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 21, 09 at 10:01am
  • Dear readers, this text is totally real. At TFLN we like to post texts that say the same things over and over because we know it's what you want. The best texts we get are ones saying "we were so high", or "We were so drunk". If you want anything else to make it on this site just say the words drinking game, jersey shore, or farmville. You'll be telling your friends how you made it on this site in no time. -Moderator

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 8:06pm
  • I actually thought this was funny.. and I still do. I don't see why any of you need to act like ignorant assholes about it, mmm you're so cool.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 8:55pm
  • 11:43 shut up. It's funny. The end. Go to hell

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 11:57am
  • All these high texts are dumb as fuck

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 12:02pm
  • Can you please go kill yourself?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 11:22am
  • If my friend sent me this I would never speak to them again.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 2:25pm
  • Being stoned doesn't even make you act that way. Shut up losers

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 12:15pm
  • Haha! I wish I could have seen that! Hilarious haha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 12:41pm
  • For all the people who said "you don't act that way when yr high... Stop acting like yr on acid" Everyone knows weed makes you slightly paranoid, so usually, u plan things out more carefully (or try at least) cuz yr afraid yr gonna get caught or get in trouble for something irrelevant.. We've all done it. Just enjoy the text. Laugh about it, and pull the stick out of yr ass

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 21, 09 at 2:10pm
  • he had a big TV opportunity, which is good because that's where all the big TVs go.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 3:34pm
  • 2:10 I hear ya! Why do some of you people even read TFLN when the humor is so obviously lost on you? This really isn't the sight for you if you can't laugh at this stuff! It must suck to be you ya bunch of up tight ol' farts!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 23, 09 at 1:54am
  • Can 1122 suck my cock?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 11:23am
  • Can you please go kill yourself?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 11:24am
  • Can you please go kill yourself?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 11:22am
  • Yes, some of these "we were so high..." texts are obviously fake. This, however, is funny. Go bitch about a text that actually sucks.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 6:18pm
  • haha, sounds like something I would do.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 22, 09 at 12:20am
  • Can you please go kill yourself?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 11:22am
  • Can you please go kill yourself?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 11:22am
  • This sucks so much I refreshed my page five time so that I could thumbs down it multiple times.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 12:16pm
  • 12:16 you're dumb that doesn't work.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 21, 09 at 3:25am
  • Can you please go kill yourself?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 11:24am
  • Can you please go kill yourself?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 11:22am
  • Yeah honestly, Im starting to think that the bitching on the site is more of a trend than the actual dumb texts. This kind of shit is almost exactly what me and my friends have happen sometimes when we are baked, and I'm sorry that you are too "productive" to just enjoy the fact that maybe someone else enjoys these texts even if they are lost to your somewhat less enjoyable persona.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 24, 09 at 1:27am
  • Can you please go kill yourself?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 11:21am
  • I'm taking shots... For every tfln that sucks. I might be done in five minutes.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 2:12pm
  • Can you please go kill yourself?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 11:24am
  • Can you please go kill yourself?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 11:22am
  • Can you please go kill yourself?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 11:23am