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  • Surprisingly enough I gave your mom the rusty nail Don't kiss her 4 a while

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 24, 09 at 3:18am
  • ding fries are done!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 23, 09 at 2:19pm
  • It's okay. I'm crazy too.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 23, 09 at 2:14pm
  • BDS is pretty much amazing. the end

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 23, 09 at 2:36pm
  • i think i'll give you my nut

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 23, 09 at 2:54pm
  • Charles Rutherford thinks Dr Phil will give you his nut!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 23, 09 at 2:38pm
  • Aww...wittle feewings got bwuised?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 23, 09 at 2:05pm
  • Blow it out your ass 7:43, I will fuck you in the street until you love me bitch

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 23, 09 at 8:12pm
  • I would like to meet you!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 25, 09 at 12:31am
  • they always have rope in the movies

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 23, 09 at 2:36pm
  • Extrapolate on this text message please

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 26, 09 at 10:56pm
  • hahahahahaha he said nuts lmao

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 23, 09 at 4:45pm
  • Awwww pooor baby isn't first:(

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 23, 09 at 2:23pm
  • Well, if you weren't being a douchbag trying to get "firsties!!", no one would call you names. Get a life.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 23, 09 at 2:05pm
  • It's not high achieving nuts till someone gets electro shock therapy.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 23, 09 at 2:33pm
  • i just farted in a jar and sealed it for later use

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 23, 09 at 7:14pm
  • insanity is so much fun they bring you that nice white coat that lets you hug yourself and put you in a room made of pillows and give you lots of drugs :D

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 23, 09 at 3:12pm
  • I don't suffer from insanity,I ENJOY EVERY SECOND OF IT!!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 24, 09 at 12:19am
  • I had to see a psych when I was 11-12 because I kept hearing voices telling me to murder my family. True story. Pretty fucked up huh

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 23, 09 at 7:29pm
  • You must mean west cause I already have it claimed east of the Mississippi

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 23, 09 at 4:25pm
  • anyone who does first is a fucking retard anyway

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 23, 09 at 2:56pm
  • 3.18--your a douchebag

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 24, 09 at 9:16am