i don't really understand why people on this site feel the need to insult people or call texts fake. why can't you just understand that this is a comedic website and if it isn't funny... don't read it.
It is the laudenum that they used to mix with it that would make you hallucinate. Good luck getting a hold of that stuff. Sugar water, or louche, is just for taste. Wormwood is just bitter poison. The reason it has a lower wormwood content in the US is because wormwood will kill you if you ingest enough of it.
well if you have legit absinthe, you will trip. the stuff sold in america is only legal because the hallucinogen has been removed. you wont get shit from that kit you bought, but if you leave the US and get some, you will have quite an experience.
I'm calling a total bullshit on this. You can't "brew"absinthe. It is a distilled spirit, usually upwards of 60% alcohol. It would be dangerous and illegal for a home user to attempt to distill spirits. If such a kit exists, the end result will be weak at best if it is just "brewed, and nowhere "close to absinthe. You'll end up with a nasty tasting drink that is 10-15% alcohol at the very best.
You take absinthe with a mixture of other thigs to get the tripping affect. It's something like melted sugar and cold water (not quite sure but it's something like that). That's prob what the brewing kit is
Absinthe won't make you trip.
Wormwood = thujone = gaba agitator = clear headed drunk
laudenum is opium and that won;t make you trip either
Fucking drive your asses up to Canada and sample some, we're not retards so we don't illegalize shit for no reason.
marijuana aside.
Absinthe doesn't do shit you retard ... It's a myth and hollywood has over exagerated it's effects fir years. It does however give you a different type of buZz from the worm wood that it is brewed with... The chemical in the worm wood is what gives it it's effect. And there's not enough in the bottle of absinthe to cause a trip or anything of that nature. Even the bottles with more percentage of the chemical does not cause a trip and you would more likely die of alcohol poisoning
it doesn't make you trip, even if you get it outside the US. I had it at a hole in the wall bar in Barcelona that brews its own real absinthe, and used to serve Ernest Hemingway and Gaudi, and it gives you a sorta weird clear headed drunk. Still cool, but not a trip in any way.
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