I wonder who the first pervert was, and if he would be proud of me for advancing his art form by so much
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Omg your first you have nothing better to do then to refresh ur page in attempt to get a new text so u can post first get a life u Jackass
Depends... To the person below me: Are you a guy? If so, be less perverted. If not, well hey I thought I was the only perverted girl out there.
What exactly did the OP do to make the first perv be proud? Hmmmmm......
FIRST bitches!!!!! If you're not first you're shit in my opinion. Suck that!!
The difference is that most perverts abuse other people. You are an "auto-pervert"
Who fuckin cares if you're first
First to like it!!!
first to want to punch you
We are all greatful for his tutelage!
I care about you being first! I care a lot ! I say we give them all a round of applause! Bout time they were first in something in their lives!
Peeping Tom, the legend of Lady Godiva. Look it up.
*ahem* Marquis de Sade
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