hapi new year, hope this year brings u happiness and lots of sexi people ;)
stop writing like that.
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I think I got that chain message...
i hate people that type like that
Haha. Bring in the new year right.
I literally LOL'd when I read this.
Thank god for people like 1-410. I don't even answer people who text me like that.
9:24 so r u wishing 14 yr olds lots of sex in 2010?
Agreed! If you can't spell, you shouldn't be texting, ever! Short cuts are for hillbillies!!!
9:25- I actually found your typing more moronic and difficult. At least they used punctuation... and I don't feel like a cryptographer when reading theirs.
you people do realize intelligent people write like that as a way of mockery, or just to be annoying. I enjoyed this
i don't get it. why is it funny to write like that and why do they seem to only do it like that in baltimore ? maybe i dont get it cause i am foreign
gotta love the dumbfuck baltimore bitches
This is amazing. I want everyone who TyPeS lyke dis to read this TFLN. This made my dayyyyyyyyyy.
Hahahahaha ppl that write like that are most likely minorities
I get texts that read like ill bethere at 1130to pik up kids
idgi do people think its cute to type like that bc it is moronic
stop being friends with her.
Ahahahahahahahaha xD
let's face it....it's the response that makes this one hilarious
ghetto people, can't even afford all the letters in one word.
Bet this chick is from Baltimore - good old Baltimore city schools!!! How embarrassing for the rest of us.
thanks for making us look like idiots, 410
4.09 ....uh yea of course it fucking is....thats kind of the point.
10-4. I just type like I'm on a CB radio. Over.
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