Farrah makes me soo mad. She doesn't spend time with Her daughter and she's always worrying about herself. Apparently she never learnt from the first time she got pregnant, so she had to buy birthcontrol. Does she plan on sleeping with more guys.
introducing some dude to your parents and your kid on the first date is retarded. her daughter is gonna end up calling all kinds of random guys daddy. sad.
she really is a terrible mother. Some people do make poor choices and end up having children before they're ready and i think it's a respectful decision to have a baby rather than choose abortion but I get the feeling if her mother wasn't so strict and religious she would have gotten rid of it in a heartbeat. I had a child at 18 and I grew up and became the mother my daughter needed me to be
Farrah needs to grow up, if she didn't want a baby, it's called closing your legs, or maybe birth control!!! Once u have a baby there only young once! Kaitlyn and Tyler should have kept there's, and Farrah should have chosen adoption!
I can't stand farrah. 1123 - your stupid. Go push your breastfeeding beliefs somewhere else. Or should we start talking about abortions religion & politics too?
Haha Farrah unfortunately is a mom b/c has those crazy ass parents haha with a crazy mom like hers n a dad who gets walked all over what do u expect? but she sure does think bout er self first than er baby
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