I saw those first." and she was all, "sorry, but they're mine." and I told that bitch to give them back to me, and she said "no". So I took my gucci heel and broke her nose. She then dropped the earrings and I was like, "ew, they touched the floor.
I like owl city and I'm a guy. I also listen to heavy metal and everything else.
I'm also straight.
Just saying.... Go fuck yourself and grow up a little you have no idea what kind of shit you could get into by saying something wrong to the wrong person bitch
Eh I like the song, although I feel like I am 8 when I listen to any of their songs because they are clean and full of so many bad puns. They may be postal service rip offs, but no music is original and everything created takes roots from something else. I enjoy music for what it is and listen to lyrics later, which is why I love owl city, some of their songs are amazing music wise, lyric wise not so much.
Too bad that song isn't even that good. Everyone needs to stop nutjocking him for it and go listen to his older stuff. I'm actually a fan and don't listen to what tops the charts.
it seems this "he" forgot to mention how much pot/shrooms were involved in this revelation.\n\nI love that song too... if I'm blazed out of my mind... sober is an entirely different story
Fuck you. Sure the song gets annoying when they play it on repeat for several weeks but so does every song!!! The singer is truly amazing, and to be honest, what does the quality of the song have to do with this text?
Closet homo or mental patient? Check your local mental health facilities, u never know if any have managed to escape! Well I guess that's not too nice of me... Was he drunk or stoned or is he just stupid?
So I was at the mall with Veronica shopping at prada and when I saw these adorable raring I was all, "so cute!" and was totally going to buy them. But then Becky shows up with her stupid cashmire sweater that shows her muffin top and totally grabbed them. So I was all, "Uhm,
Owl City= total Postal Service and Mae ripoff. I will admit, it's catchy but seeing how both the Postal service and Mae are in my top ten bands, I can't get away from the fact that at times it sounds like a straight rip.
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