I'm a history grad student and I gotta say, this text sounds like a good idea to me.... As long as he didn't focus on the conversation more than me, I'd be fine with it.
My girlfriends and I talk about sex too but not in like intimate detail, somethings are meant to be between the people involved. My ex bf was talking in detail about our sex life to our mutual friend and I was pissed. Details of our sex is private
I do. Particularly if it's that position... and in the shower... It's my favorite. And I love history! I could see myself sending this text if I was dating a history major/professor.
Submitted by
on Jan 11, 10 at 10:35pm
I dont understand why people text their friends about these types of things. It's hella awkward. Funny, but awkward. If my friend texted me about them fucking someone I would definitley be kinda weirded out hahah
Why do ya have to call her a whore or a slut?! HATERS! Sex is great in the shower! Switching to all kinds of positions is even better! Also, all my friends (guys
Wow after being able to moderate it is amazing how many stupid, fake texts people post on here. It's amazing the texts people submit that they believe are honestly funny.
Okay why do prude brats and middle age backwards women continue to get on this site and bash people over a text. You know what the site is about and ur naive to think that girls don't tell every mundane sex lives to each other. I don't see how people can just use the term whore so loosely. Were supposed to stick together girlsss
If you're enjoying sex how can you possibly be discussing history?!?! I don't know about anyone else but if I'm having sex I am focusing on how good it feels NOT talking about European history... Just sayin...
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