my grandma just put on bowling shoes, to play wii bowling.
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This is adorable!
My parents have a wii bowling league... Complete w/ shirts.
Coolest grandma ever!
That's so cute lol
Hahahaha. For some reason this is really fucking funny.
who are you, joe koy?
So cute!
That's funny!!
931 waddup!
Lmaoooo that's the innocense of older generation
who owns bowling shoes?
How cute!!! I love it!!!
That's awesome
Go granny!!!
Yyeeaa. That was dumb. Smart GRANDMA! not cunt....
That's legit. I need some bowling shoes now too. I can't compete with your gma.
Ur grandma put on bowling shoes when she was riding my cock like a little whore last night
Who hurt you?
Seriously though why would you ruin this adorable post with a "your mom" joke? Or in this case, a "your grandma" joke? Learn to read the room, as they say.
Love this!
That's brilliant :)
That's the best thing ever
WTF haha ur grandma is tight
My parents have a league.. With shirts.
I saw AWWW out loud lol
Hahaha first btw :)
I want your g-mom!! Cuuuuute!!
Jo koi's son?
Classy old cunt!
hahaha, your grandma is the best.
4:06 go fuck yourself
Lol luv it
Let's hear it for senility!
That was jokes
hell yeah
that's fantastic!!
Epic win
awwwww soo cute
i love this
9:36, professional bowlers.
Now that's a classy lady
That's fantastic
7:44 that was actually me :)
What a legend!
Hahaha! That totally just made my day! Too cute.
It's fun it see my friends dad get really into that. He gets pissed if anyone interrupts him and he doesn't get a strike
Lmfao thats great!
hahaha lol
Lmao! Nice:)
I didn't know Jo koy read tfln
Ahahahah this is madd funny... It'll be even funnier when I'm high
Haha how cute grandmas r adorable
Hahaa awe I love old people! Don't be perverted!
Grandma's a bad ass!
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