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  • You forgot to mention the Dildo in your ass...

    Submitted by Rubes_Carnies on Jan 27, 10 at 9:19am
  • Then

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 27, 10 at 4:28pm
  • Hahaha I always do the most retarded stuff when I'm hungover/drunk the next morning

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 27, 10 at 11:30pm
  • lame. how are "drunk" ppl on tfln able to text so well while drunk?!? doing stupid shit but texting spot-on. MIRACLE! or non-drunk douches trying to sound cool.

    Submitted by anonymousme on Jan 27, 10 at 10:08am
  • Am I the only one that can drink without acting like a lameass idiot?!?!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 27, 10 at 9:47am
  • 3:37 he probably realized it in mid-doing so. So fuk you

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 27, 10 at 5:09pm
  • Fake

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 27, 10 at 11:54am
  • Baha I like it

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 27, 10 at 9:19am
  • Hey 10:08, it's called "texts from last night" meaning that they coulda texted these last night, then woke up sober and thought it was funny, so they posted it on TFLN, you sir, are a tool! Go away with your jersey shore fist pump

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 27, 10 at 10:14am
    • so you think last night someone sent a text to someone saying "you think you're still drunk from last night" ?\n\ndo you see how that makes no sense

      Submitted by desal816 on Jan 27, 10 at 11:32am
  • Hahaaa niice.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 27, 10 at 9:14am
  • Lol

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 27, 10 at 9:06am
  • hahaha...this happened after going out & deciding to go grocery shopping at 5 in the morning..then trying to put up the groceries still drunk/hungover. and not everyone is a dumb fuck while drunk, although the droid has a nifty auto correct function to help out when i cant help myself.. maybe some of you should look into joining the tfln police, since there are so many fantastic fakers running around. take it easy, guidos...its just the internet;)

    Submitted by tally on Sep 5, 10 at 4:28pm
  • That's beyound drunk, that's stupid.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 27, 10 at 12:25pm
  • FAKE as fuck

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 27, 10 at 8:19pm
  • I know?! Don't you hate that?! The eggs go in the sink and the remote goes in the freezer, right?...fake text. Total fail.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 29, 10 at 6:59am
  • This is the stupidest post. This person should kill themself

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 27, 10 at 5:31pm
  • Lmfao

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 27, 10 at 5:08pm
  • 10:08 I don't know what kind of phone you have but I know i can be blackout drunk and my texts make perfect sense with proper spelling and more often than not proper grammar all thanks to my phone..anything is possible.. Lighten up a little!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 27, 10 at 11:21am
  • oh jeez, thats not where either of those items should go!! boy that guy must have really tied one on! whew! sometimes when im not paying attention, i put my wallet in the refrigerator. and im like "well come on! where is your head?" ahahahaha! LOL!!!

    Submitted by breakfast on Jan 27, 10 at 9:28am
  • Um. If your sober enough to realize that was stupid then there was no reason to do it in the first plac. You just make yourself look like an idiot tryin to sound cool. Fail.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 27, 10 at 3:37pm
  • This is hilarious. I'm going to choose to belies it's not fake, cause I've done the same type of shit. Good times.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 10, 10 at 8:59pm