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  • I am guessing he missed the hole?

    Submitted by Rubes_Carnies on Jan 28, 10 at 9:22am
    • Hah, maybe. Or maybe the girl was on top of him and when she bounced back down, she bent his shit bad enough! Tough break either way.

      Submitted by BlackStarrLine on Jan 28, 10 at 11:14am
  • YOU CAN IN FACT BREAK IT! My dumbass friend has done it twice. We now call him short daddy long stroke

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 28, 10 at 1:42pm
  • Haha nice

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 28, 10 at 1:53pm
  • Lol

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 28, 10 at 9:25am
  •\nTotally possible.

    Submitted by winthropchick on Jan 28, 10 at 11:18am
  • I don't think those last two words were actually necessary. They're really sort of implied.

    Submitted by Herschel on Jan 28, 10 at 4:44pm
  • Talk about buzz kills when everybody saying how it's just a muscle and shit...of course everyone know it's a fucking muscle...the guy was trying to be funny...damn

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 28, 10 at 10:50am
  • ur penis is not a bone or have any bones in it so I don't see how u could fracture it.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 27, 10 at 11:49pm
  • In soviet russia penis fractures you!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 2, 10 at 2:49pm
  • A tissue rupture is not a fracture.... You cannot fracture a penis. -ER NURSE

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 28, 10 at 9:51pm
  • How can you fracture your penis? There are zero bones in it.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 28, 10 at 9:53am
  • Yeah trust wiki, I just made it so that your dick is directly connected to your asshole, if nobody has changed it you should go see. It's true. Btw you can't fracture your ear or tounge can you? It's because only bones can get fractured you idiots. Trust me, I'm a doctor.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 28, 10 at 3:48pm
  • my dick popped once when I was on the bottom and the girl went up too far and came down too hard. there was like a really loud click, and it hurt pretty bad. I'm absolutely certain it's possible to break it. of course at the time, I ignored it and told her to keep going.

    Submitted by takeitslow on Jan 28, 10 at 9:50pm
  • Haha ur dicks a muscle and you can break it. If you don't believe me wikipedia it!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 28, 10 at 10:03am
  • Yes 1:42 pm, it is definitely possible. I know that being the recipient of broken dick #2 ; )

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 28, 10 at 6:11pm
  • Ouch!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 29, 10 at 8:02pm
  • its not a muscle you retards. its tissue that fills up with blood. it is attached to muscles by a tendon, but otherwise its just tissue and nerves.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 28, 10 at 11:40pm
  • First babyyy

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 28, 10 at 9:21am
  • It's possible google image it lol

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 28, 10 at 10:00am
  • O I'm so sorry

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 28, 10 at 11:06pm
  • Bahahahahahhahahaha sucka

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 28, 10 at 9:23am
  • 3:48, just because you had a Dr. Pepper, doesn't untitled you to a phd, or does it?????

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 28, 10 at 4:19pm
  • How do you fracture your penis? There's no bones in a man's penis!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 28, 10 at 4:43pm
  • Well fuck me sideways!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 31, 10 at 2:35am
  • Poor guy mustve had a bad night

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 29, 10 at 5:18pm
  • U can too 'fracture' it. It is actually more like a rupture in the tissue that elongated the penis. It is, in fact no bs, the number 1 sex related injury

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 28, 10 at 8:56pm
  • 3:48, just because you've had a Dr. Pepper doesn't intitle you to a phd, or does it????

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 28, 10 at 4:17pm
  • You can suffer massive interal bleeding from a tissue rupture in you penis, and that'll keep you from doing anything fun for a while

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 29, 10 at 12:23pm
  • Yes it can happen! Seen in the er once too many times. Requires surgery to fix. Ouch!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 28, 10 at 2:34pm
  • First off you can't break it BUT you can like every other muscle, in fact huriate, strain, rupsure, or dislocate that muscle witch you must go to the er in order to fix it or in some cases survive.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 28, 10 at 10:37am