*does his best arnold schwarzenegger impression*\n\nHello everyone, iccce to see you. First of all, you all need to chill. Everything can freeze if it gets cold enough.\n[/impression]\nBut srsly, good luck removing your tongue from a popsicle that's -173F.
Alcohol freezes at a far lower temperature than your freezer goes. Barring liquid nitrogen or some such, your only real way of making alcohol solid is with Jello.
Quit being a 12 year old pussy and drink vodka straight. Shit I hope you idiots mix vodka and red bull and your heart stops. Or explodes. Alcohol isn't made to be like some fruity mixture. Pussies.
You dumb fucking ingrates he knows it doesn't freeze. He said vodka Popsicles don't FUNCTION. He didn't fucking say he didn't like the ones he made. I think he fucking realized that. Just cuz you fucking know a 3rd grade science fact, don't fucking get on your high horse. Dickwipes
I'm Russian and I have nothing but vodka in my freezer. I brush my teeth with vodka. I have trouble falling asleep so since about 13 years of age I have been taking 6 shots and I'm out.
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