We named our saturday intramural dodgeball team "we're hungover". Pretty much just an excuse to fuel my alcoholism on friday nights.
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The motto: "We're a drinking team with a dodgeball problem".
We named this site, texts from lame motherfuckers. Pretty much just sayin this site blows.
Oh yes--props
that's nothing. our quizzo team was called "quiz on your face"
U should have named it, eat my cock
We would pregame and post game at the same pub. But we played softball.
In Soviet Russia, team names you.
Well played 5:00.
5:00 that's the only way to do it!
Fuck yeaaa. Rage hardcore! Haha
Love the motto! Perfect!
Wayne State University!!
Who plays intramurals on Saturdays?
Stupid ass hole go to rehad or kill ur liver
I wish there was an intramural dodgeball team close to me.
Our name is the Donkey Punchers
ha i named our intramural volleyball team we're smashed lol
Check the new 98.7 AMP Radio!
now people will know that you drink on Fridays and that might make you a little cooler than someone else who plays dodgeball sat mornings Gordon
Should have read Fat, Drunk
943 here, disregard that i suck cock
Drinking on Friday night isn't alcoholism, it's drinking on Friday night
Yeah because that makes a lot of sense op fuckin idiot
I feel ya
Ok, for the record, if you are over 25 and u are still trying to be cool drinking dude, ITS NOT COOL.
Once played for a three-on-three basketball team called Fat, Drunk
You sound like a bunch of fags playing grab ass!
Calm down all, this a quite funny text that made me laugh when I read it. I would like to know if others have any funny intramural team names that are funny also. Good luck "we're hungover"! --osho
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