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  • Saying 'they', as in black people as a whole, lack morality on a cultural level is about as ignorant as you're making black people out to be. Every race has its fuckwits, you are obviously one of yours, 6:34.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 11, 10 at 9:05pm
  • blizzard zero pittsburgh freaking win

    Submitted by ladyLucinda on Feb 11, 10 at 9:09pm
  • i want to go to one of those ice bars one badass would that be?! to sit at a table made of ice, walls made of ice, in chairs made of ice, drinking out of ice!

    Submitted by anom0435 on Feb 11, 10 at 10:37pm
  • people who post soviet russia jokes blow.

    Submitted by Anonymous321 on Feb 11, 10 at 3:34pm
  • Is he talking about THE igloo, as in the Pittsburgh Penguins home arena??? Cause if so, this is my favorite text ever!!!!! LETS GO PENS!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 11, 10 at 9:53pm
  • Who cares about smelly greasy nigs! Let's stop writing comments regarding them!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 11, 10 at 9:34pm
  • Yay Pittsburgh !!! I've been snowed in for daysss

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 11, 10 at 9:35pm
  • Smoking in an igloo changes everything

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 11, 10 at 7:59pm
  • Yeaaahhhh Pittsburgh

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 11, 10 at 11:21pm
  • 1:56 maybe b/c they dont get the same chanes as whites and live under bad circumstances and tgerefore have no option bc ur american government doesnt help em .... Germany all they way we help out the poor with an existence minimum

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 12, 10 at 5:57am
  • pittsburgh represent!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 11, 10 at 4:31pm
  • Fuck all blacks

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 12, 10 at 8:57am
  • Hot boxing an igloo changes everything

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 12, 10 at 1:10am
  • Yeahhhhh 412. Pittsburgh sound

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 12, 10 at 2:42am
  • Haha sounds like some crazy parties iv been 2 when I lived in alaksa

    Submitted by AK49cowgirl on Aug 27, 10 at 12:32am
  • I bet it does lol

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 12, 10 at 12:45pm
  • I am so proud of you, Pika!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 12, 10 at 10:49am
  • 412 All Day!!!

    Submitted by SKiiD on Apr 13, 10 at 12:51am
  • I love 3:34

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 11, 10 at 4:07pm
  • First In soviet Russia igloo drinks in you and everything changes being an igloo in a drink

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 11, 10 at 3:31pm
  • In Montezuma, Indiana there are none blackys!!!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 11, 10 at 8:30pm
  • My husband built an igloo in our yard last saturday... We live in pittsburgh (go stillers!!) i hope this isnt him lmao!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 12, 10 at 12:22am
  • Stay innovative, Pittsburgh.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 12, 10 at 12:13am
  • Dear 412.\nI have absolutely no idea who you are. I thought the winter here was tough, in Romania. But you sir, absolutely rock.\nI might want to get it on with you. You rock. I might make a t-shirt.

    Submitted by romanianchick on Feb 22, 10 at 5:29pm
  • Idea is genius

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 12, 10 at 6:41am
  • i want to go to this bar! if you are talking about that igloo bar in orlando that is.

    Submitted by anom0435 on Feb 11, 10 at 10:31pm
  • Next post will say that the 80% of African Americans that are in prison is due to racism instead of their misdeeds. This would be contrart to the true fact that they lack morality on a cultural level.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 11, 10 at 6:34pm
  • all i have to say is if you're not black then don't think you know everything about black people. who cares whose in jail, if you wanna help them then do so but if you want to be negative then just sit back and shut the fuck up

    Submitted by touchmydrumset on Feb 12, 10 at 1:56pm
  • Suck it

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 12, 10 at 8:57am
  • In Capitalist America 13% of the US population is black. 80% of the US prison population is black.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 11, 10 at 3:54pm
    • I'm sorry. I realize this is an issue...but find somewhere more important to post ideas about society - not fucking TFLN.

      Submitted by douchemonger on Feb 11, 10 at 4:55pm
      • Whoever this person is has been posting this on every text for a week.

        Submitted by abyss on Feb 12, 10 at 9:48am
  • Gooooo Pittsburgh !! Fuck all the blacks ! Go back to Africa you greasy creeps

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 12, 10 at 11:08pm
  • Every race has their criminals. Blacks just have a whole lot more. Strange huh?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 12, 10 at 1:56am
  • 5:57. Screw off. U can't defend blacks by saying the government didn't give em enough chances or whatever. The blacks sold the blacks to the whites. They sold there own kind....prob for crack money

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 12, 10 at 8:57am
  • Steelers? 12:22

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 12, 10 at 9:16am
  • I love 3:54!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 11, 10 at 4:09pm