Good job douchebag for being "first", as ofther has some sort of importance.
I really want to know where the puffy paint is and who was stupid/brilliant enough to put it there.
This isn't funny. Puffy paint and glitter isn't funny and who the fuck is Kevin. Who the fuck cares. And for the love of god stop the "come get me please".
Hahahaha u guys are fucking straight up NERDS defending the "legitness" of the texts to me and actually taking time out of your life to explain "Kevin" like I'm as retarded as you are and just don't get it. Fucking dorks
Oh yes this is def legit. First the put Kevin in the test and since Kevin is obviuosly their ride, the come get me part is righton. Second, I saw a girl walking up to a Quicktrip last weekend covered with marshmallow cream and shredded coconut which is close to puffy paint and glitter. So thateans this is straight up true!!
They can't find Kevin, obv. Kevin was their ride. Which is most likely why they put, "Please come get me." So whoever put "Stop with the please come get me.." or whatever, this could in fact be legit, you idiot.
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