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  • I hope all your brain cells die

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 19, 10 at 10:24pm
  • bummer.

    Submitted by ingebeastly on Feb 19, 10 at 7:59pm
  • so your mom never made you brownies, sucks

    Submitted by iamanonymous on Feb 20, 10 at 2:22am
  • I'm jealous, I want a weed brownie.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 19, 10 at 8:54pm
  • I've never had a weed brownie :)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 19, 10 at 10:27pm
  • i don't think I've had regular brownies since I was 13, either. hell, I'd slip a little weed into my mothers everything, still do!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 21, 10 at 12:37am
  • Yeah, brownies are delicious. I'm always disappointed when brownies are offered and then I realize they're "special", when I just want tasty chocolate-based food and not a high.

    Submitted by Herschel on Feb 20, 10 at 12:40am
    • what the fuck?

      Submitted by iamanonymous on Feb 20, 10 at 2:23am
      • It seems pretty obvious to me. There are times I'm not trying to get high - weird, I know, but bear with me. At those times, when someone offers me brownies with drugs in them, I'm disappointed, because I would prefer non-drug brownies, because they are merely delicious, instead of being delicious and intoxicating.

        Submitted by Herschel on Feb 20, 10 at 4:57pm
  • Lol @ 7:26.......wocka wocka wocka

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 19, 10 at 8:50pm
  • How do you know when a cubscout becomes a true boyscout? After he EATS HIS FIRST BROWNIE!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 19, 10 at 7:26pm