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  • this text is worse than the Sponsored Text from CopOut....

    Submitted by Rubes_Carnies on Feb 22, 10 at 9:15am
  • Get checked for stds before you do that... Just sayin

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 10:01am
  • Whore, period.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 1:05pm
  • Can you say slut? You shouldn't be in a realtionship if you want to sleep with More than one person

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 23, 10 at 12:53am
  • To who posted this it's wildo hahahaha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 24, 10 at 6:40pm
  • Amen 10:01... shit, no reason why an honest, loyal person should get herpies from a dirty cheating whore.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 11:05am
  • yay 817!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 12:35pm
  • She's not a whore yet she cheated on her bf and expects him to still put his dick in her? Go kill yourselves, she should ....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 7:18pm
  • 9:16 fail

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 9:24am
  • The guy is a dumbass for letting that girl back on his dick. Tell that slut to fuck off?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 4:59pm
  • Soooo I think this person is awesome and people should stop being so mean to her.....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 12:42pm
  • how come everyone assumes its a girl? it could be a dude cheating on another dude- still makes him a whore, but just sayin'

    Submitted by slygrrl on Mar 2, 11 at 3:15am
  • Ummm who is 3:13????

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 5:03pm
  • "WH_RE" -Yes, I'd like to buy an "O", Pat. - There is an "O". What do we have there? -This girl!! -That is correct.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 3:15pm
  • (: way to go!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 1:20pm
  • Sup tarrant county:))))))

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 23, 10 at 1:10am
  • What a whore!!!!! Own up and tell your boyfriend

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 2:20pm
  • Worthless whore he doesn't want your smelly, over used snatch.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 2:19pm
  • want to have "its alright" sex?

    Submitted by canonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 9:35am
  • sounds like my ex gf kellee

    Submitted by marcusinfl on Mar 26, 10 at 7:57pm
  • I'm deeply saddened that this whore comes from my home area. This guy is also retarded, no girl is hot enough to overlook the risk of VD.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 8:44pm
  • That is the dumbest joke I've ever seen comment below

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 3:32pm
  • In Soviet Russia, we cheat on you!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 10:06am
  • it's not good is it hunny... :( prob worst kind of sex

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 10:56am
  • Sweet

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 9:46am
  • 12:42- I agree that people need to stop calling her a whore, but how is she 'awesome?' Cheating isn't awesome in the least.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 4:25pm
  • You know what's funny? People are taking this seriously. Oh wait.... It's not just funny it's hilarious.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 25, 10 at 6:39pm
  • First!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 9:16am
  • 5:29, y'all all is definitely proper English here in Texas, we say it all the time without thinking about it, "y'all all" is the plural of "y'all" and it works, so don't mess with Texas.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 23, 10 at 12:53am
  • I think anal is mandatory at this point. Also, is" y'all all" proper English anywhere?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 5:29pm
  • Slutbag

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 12:47pm
  • Payback is a bitch!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 11:41am
  • Hi I don't think we've met. I'm Will. Two one four four five seven one seven seven four

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 10:40am
  • V-skeet approved Nicole !!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 9:57am
  • Ahhh. That's the best kind of sex:)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 9:28am
  • Love you best friend and v-skeet. This makes me very happy. Ok bye

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 10:52am
  • You do know you have to take it in the ass, right?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 12:20pm
  • In the one that "817" wrote this to, I'm the girl she cheated on him with

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 8:28pm
  • She's going to give him cheating STDs too lol

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 1:53pm
  • Jesus Crites.........

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 10:55am
  • Um who are you.... She isn't a whore. So fuck off. Stupid bitch

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 11:10am
  • the best sex. cause if they're whipped they wanna keep you in their lives so they go hard ;) go girl

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 23, 10 at 10:47pm
  • More power to her, she can get dick from whoever and her bf will just let it go for some sex. This girl has got it made!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 5:25pm
  • Girls from fort worth are skanks. I probably know the girl that posted this haha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 12:07pm
    • Excuse you. 817 is also the area code for Arlington, NRH, Hurst and surrounding areas. You, my friend, do make Fort Worth girls look bad.

      Submitted by OMGIamhere on Feb 22, 10 at 12:40pm
  • Hmmm. I'm thinking anal. Then tell her to get the fuck out and never talk to her again.

    Submitted by EatmeTwice on Sep 22, 11 at 12:43pm
  • I wonder if it's the guy who cheated or the chick that cheated

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 11:46am
  • You're the retard. That comment didn't even make sense! At least we can spell here in Texas.....bitch

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 23, 10 at 9:56pm
  • No that text was definately sent to me

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 9:24pm
  • Good point. Y'all all call her a whore. You've probably all done shit too. Messing up is messing up no matter the level. And she did tell him so fuck off

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 3:52pm
  • In soviet Russia we have that every day

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 10:03am
  • Everyone needs to shut up. Like y'all don't know her. This isn't supposed to be call people whore website. It's a joke. Grow up. She's not a whore AT ALL.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 3:51pm
  • You should give him a make up blow job instead of make up sex

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 2:58pm
  • Wow, if only this were a different area code, I'd swear my girlfriend wrote this before going home to her husband...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 11:58pm
  • Okay seriously 529? Yall have your dumb ass slang up north and we have ours down here in Texas. If you don't like it don't even say anything. No one here wants to hear your proper stick up your ass English shit. Go move to England you fuckin Brit wanna be.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 23, 10 at 1:14am
  • She did tell him you fuck head don't you call her a whore unless you know who the fuck your talkin about

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 3:00pm
  • Fucking cheating scumbag whore!!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 23, 10 at 12:22am
  • Ur a fucking liar

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 1:04pm
  • Not suprising this is from Texas. Backasswards bunch of fuckin necks. The purest or pure white trash is ALWAYS born and breed in Texas

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 23, 10 at 1:07pm
  • Texas sucks balls. Worst state in the nation I think.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 23, 10 at 4:00am
  • Correction. The cheating sex is the best kind, haha!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 9:28am
  • Come on now, chance deserves better than sloppy seconds

    Submitted by BLAKEvinson on Feb 22, 10 at 3:13pm
  • Y'all is the contraction for "you all". It's the plural form of "you". Sooooo... If, in fact, anybody says "y'all all" they're really saying "you all all" which is just about as retarded as it gets. I mean, when I was in boot camp I heard a kid begin a sentence with "reckon" and I thought that might be the stupidest thing ever... but this might take the cake! Please secede Texas. Everyone will be happier.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 23, 10 at 6:01am
  • Ok... That last comment HAD to be my girlfriend talking about her weak ass husband! Haha! Classic;)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 23, 10 at 11:49pm
  • Did you tell him?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 2:29pm