I have a ex I dated for a week. I went to my buddies for the night and had no cell service. Next morning I had 16 voice mails that went from "Hey baby just wanted to say hi" to "WHY WONT YOU SPEAK TO ME?!? I'M GONNA KILL MYSELF!!!" I dumped her and she shaved her head and became a lesbo. Top that.
I also have an ex story that ends up in her being a lesbian, except according to her she's so straight. I keep asking her then why she's having sex with a girl and she can't really come up with a good explanation.
I had a towing chain in the back of my truck, (Approx 30 ft), and when I broke up with her at a party, she took said chain, and strapped it to my rear axle, and to a cement foundation block holding up the deck on the house to "Make sure we'd finish taking", I almost flipped my truck, and ripped the deck off the house. She's had a 16 month sentence for it by the end. Top that.
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