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  • Haha trophy wide scor\nStfu 203 you're an ugly bitxh who is fuckkng jealous she doesn't have a guys arm to hang in

    Submitted by BellaBaker on Mar 1, 10 at 5:12pm
  • The part where she thinks that cooking for everyone makes her a trophy wife. Trophy wives don't cook.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 1, 10 at 2:16pm
  • Real trophy wives are married to men who have 'people' for things like cooking xo

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 1, 10 at 2:35pm
  • I'll bet 2:03 is ugly

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 1, 10 at 2:28pm
  • ..... And my gf burns canned green beans.

    Submitted by visage on Mar 1, 10 at 9:01pm
  • All women should cook ..... It's called doing your fucking job bitch

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 1, 10 at 2:21pm
    • Since apparently we’re back in the ‘50s, shouldn’t you be earning some money, sitting in some cubicle at 2:21 pm instead of writing dumb comments?

      Submitted by clover on Mar 1, 10 at 6:17pm
  • What part of this message indicates She's brainless? People come to this apps just to see themselves type. I swear....

    Submitted by xxi on Mar 1, 10 at 2:08pm
  • Is making omelets code for letting your husband and his friends fuck you on the kitchen table??

    Submitted by cazzo on Mar 1, 10 at 8:08pm
  • If she has giant fake tits then she'll be a 'trophy wife'. Cooking is a routine task for every woman. You betcha.

    Submitted by retarded_palin on Mar 1, 10 at 2:07pm
  • An omlet.... Real fancy... Your future husband must be soo proud.... Queen of the trailer park

    Submitted by 69_Charger on Mar 1, 10 at 2:07pm
  • Hahaha sounds like my dad

    Submitted by blondeemomentsx3 on Mar 1, 10 at 8:40pm
  • Stop freaking out people. You don't know anything about her. It's just supposed to be funny!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 1, 10 at 4:24pm
  • Love this text, there has yet to be a time I have not not baked cookies when um drunk and clean up

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 2, 10 at 3:47pm
  • got the trophy wife now all you need is little fuck trophys running around and you got the perfect white picket fence

    Submitted by thats_life on Mar 1, 10 at 8:38pm
  • Nice

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 4, 10 at 12:02am
  • I aspire to be like you madam.

    Submitted by bontar on Mar 3, 10 at 4:39am
  • 2:21... You can go straight to hell

    Submitted by PalmTree7104 on Mar 1, 10 at 10:15pm
  • you're considered a Bronze Medal....

    Submitted by Rubes_Carnies on Mar 1, 10 at 2:22pm
  • I hope the was no puke inside and everyone thought it was cheese

    Submitted by subjesul111 on Mar 1, 10 at 7:10pm
  • omelets? I WANT A SAMMICH

    Submitted by canonymous on Mar 2, 10 at 8:20am
  • You're prob a gold digger too :)

    Submitted by Ms423 on Mar 3, 10 at 12:50am
  • It's so beautiful. ಥ_ಥ

    Submitted by moarsauce on Mar 2, 10 at 3:04pm
  • Wanna get married?

    Submitted by cam_ly on Mar 1, 10 at 2:46pm
  • Hi, I'm the unwanted troll. 

    Submitted by TheUnwantedTroll on Mar 1, 10 at 2:18pm
  • The game.............

    Submitted by awsome on Mar 1, 10 at 10:44pm
  • will you marry me?

    Submitted by IX0V on Mar 1, 10 at 2:16pm
  • Hey commenters, stop pretending to suddenly be decent human beings. YOU'RE ON FUCKING TEXTS FROM LAST NIGHT RIGHT NOW.

    Submitted by solertia7 on Mar 2, 10 at 3:13pm
  • Fuckers.

    Submitted by jclove on Mar 2, 10 at 11:14am
  • Real trophy wives don't get drunk so I'd say you're just dreaming. Real TWs are seen and not heard. Drunks are usually pretty loud and obnoxious.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 1, 10 at 2:16pm
  • So being a brainless bimbo that hangs off some guys arm for the rest of your life is something to be proud of? Why don't you get an education and a real life!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 1, 10 at 2:03pm