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  • No he's paying you to read that document as you are.. Your just shitting while doing it. Is he paying you to breath too?

    Submitted by ahkdar on Mar 5, 10 at 6:02pm
  • My law firm client is paying me $450/HR to read TFLN. LOL

    Submitted by cptmiabn on Mar 5, 10 at 5:19pm
    • a simple google search of your handle reveals your name, some pictures, and a small bio you placed online. not smart, counsel. LOL!

      Submitted by rinesq on Mar 9, 10 at 1:53am
  • I hate you all.

    Submitted by imprezzed on Mar 5, 10 at 11:58pm
  • The bad thing about a lawyer taking a shit is that when he flushes, the most useful part goes down the drain!

    Submitted by gggggg on Mar 5, 10 at 6:23pm
  • u da mannn

    Submitted by 66619 on Mar 7, 10 at 7:57pm
  • 155 an hour? I hope you are a paralegal or intern cause if your an attorney at 155 an hour you cannot be a very good one!

    Submitted by riaccountant on May 22, 10 at 3:11pm
  • I just love lawyers... Don't you? And by the by I'm getting $1200/hr while reading this... It is good to be the boss

    Submitted by DOA2169 on Mar 5, 10 at 8:31pm
  • Fuck your lawyer and get a public defender

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 5, 10 at 6:54pm
  • Billable hours are billable no matter how efficiently you are able to multi-task- lol!

    Submitted by jprincess on Mar 6, 10 at 11:18am
  • I hate you and your high paygrade

    Submitted by whylekat on Mar 5, 10 at 5:16pm
  • So, I'm on the can reading this not getting shit.

    Submitted by arich00 on Mar 5, 10 at 5:11pm
  • A lawyer that says "dude"....worst lawyer ever.

    Submitted by Awesome_X on Mar 5, 10 at 5:07pm
  • Ohhh where did they days go where good hardworking people could show up at this fuckwads house with pitchforks rope and a torch to hang his thieving ass. Man I would love it if we could do this to all of the politicians as well. Fucking worthless thieves all of them..

    Submitted by cazzo on Mar 5, 10 at 7:00pm
  • Oh wow, you're so cool.

    Submitted by urallstupid on Mar 10, 10 at 8:16pm
  • I love to take shits let's shit together

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 5, 10 at 10:29pm
  • @ 5:19...if you're firm runs for 450/hour, I'm guessing you practice in NYC or DC. Good call?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 5, 10 at 6:17pm
  • My lawyer gets $600 an hour, but I'm sure your a paralegal. Right?

    Submitted by 415king on Mar 5, 10 at 10:00pm
  • 6:23: AMEN TO THAT!!!!

    Submitted by tlb on Mar 6, 10 at 10:17am
  • Hahah ahkdar

    Submitted by ianfro on Jul 15, 10 at 6:59pm
  • At my work we call these ""pay poops".

    Submitted by RedTriceratops on Mar 5, 10 at 5:27pm
  • That's my new number one reason for attending law school!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 6, 10 at 4:31pm
  • Your hourly is $155? Oof...

    Submitted by whyanalias on Mar 5, 10 at 7:04pm
  • $155 is a lot of fucking money for some people. The guy who picks up your trash probably barely scrapes minimum wage.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 6, 10 at 11:46pm
  • This has got to be a shitty attorney with the first name of Gary! I just know it!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 6, 10 at 10:09am
  • I get paid $75 an hour to jack off. Just sayin'...

    Submitted by inks84 on Mar 5, 10 at 6:27pm
  • If your billing $155 an hour, you must not be a very good lawyer

    Submitted by Texasgirl77002 on Mar 6, 10 at 9:49am
  • (510)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 5, 10 at 5:04pm
  • Lawyer win!

    Submitted by TheRealThatGuy on Mar 5, 10 at 7:57pm
  • Your not getting paid enough :o

    Submitted by Lalalalove on Mar 6, 10 at 1:50pm
  • 519 is 30 and lives in his grandmas basement

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 5, 10 at 8:24pm