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  • I'd like to know how fifth graders got $60 to buy the stuff. Probably some rich kids. "Here's some money, now leave Daddy alone so I can bang my hot secretary before Mommy gets home."

    Submitted by quoteXunquote on Mar 9, 10 at 8:43pm
    • This is what I want to know. I never had money in elementary school unless it was my birthday or christmas, and never more than $20.

      Submitted by 310/951/805 on Mar 9, 10 at 8:56pm
      • I got $20/month allowance from like age 8, and my family wasn't especially rich. All you have to do is save up.

        Submitted by Herschel on Mar 11, 10 at 12:06am
  • wttttf, I hope you get arrested asshole.

    Submitted by LOVELIFEE on Mar 10, 10 at 5:58am
  • 7:23- you know you can get some bongs for like,10 bucks, right? But selling to 5th graders is WRONG!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 9, 10 at 7:27pm
  • Wow why are all of you uptight for? I think this is funny stupid ass little kids trying to act cool got owned

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 9, 10 at 11:27pm
  • @9:24, it's not that selling it was illegal, it's that the kids thought they were getting weed.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 9, 10 at 9:40pm
  • Those kids will look back on this one day and say, "damn that was oregano? Fuck we were naieve," kudos for teaching them a good lesson in life :)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 10, 10 at 1:59am
  • I'd rather have 5th graders learn about weed from this guy rather than their parents later

    Submitted by pnwd on Mar 9, 10 at 7:24pm
  • This will teach those kids a lesson about drugs. Next time someone offers them weed they'll be like,"I don't like weed because it's too spicy."

    Submitted by maskedman on Mar 10, 10 at 3:40am
  • like they're only in fifth grade, if you have to sell it wait for highschooolers bud?

    Submitted by LOVELIFEE on Mar 10, 10 at 6:00am
  • Sadly, ITA, 8:43.........

    Submitted by kcs99 on Mar 10, 10 at 12:17am
  • dude there are some places in this country where fifth graders are carrying guns why not smokin pot too

    Submitted by ScSurfer1691 on Jun 27, 10 at 2:47am
  • You guys that have debates on these quotes are losers...either you like the quote or shut the fuck up if you don't

    Submitted by DirtxMcGirk on Mar 10, 10 at 1:02am
  • I used to sell grass clippings to jr high kids when I was in HS, never messed with elementary kids though!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 9, 10 at 7:49pm
  • I hope you boiled it first or Mr. Entrepreneur is going to a sleepover with Big Barry.

    Submitted by Stotan1228 on Mar 9, 10 at 7:55pm
  • Fifth graders? C'mon now...

    Submitted by BamaCady on Mar 9, 10 at 7:14pm
  • HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHahahahahahhhahaha

    Submitted by m0therfuck on Oct 5, 11 at 12:12am
  • Damn I woulda been one pissed of 5th grader!!!lmao

    Submitted by ends509 on Mar 10, 10 at 4:06am
  • 8:42- why would he be banging the secretary at home you bang you secretary at work dumbass

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 10, 10 at 12:43am
  • Hope they don't come back and do a 187 on ur ass. Those fifth graders are vicious little fuckers these days lol

    Submitted by Tankd4life on Mar 10, 10 at 10:26am
  • been there done that

    Submitted by heavyweight420 on Mar 9, 10 at 7:27pm
  • that's so mean.

    Submitted by yellowsun6 on Apr 5, 10 at 11:01am
  • Lmfao!! Great way to make a living! Kids'll Neva stop buyin drugs

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 9, 10 at 11:05pm
  • You would think this is wrong, but it's just so damn funny. Good job op.

    Submitted by chucknorrisisgod on Mar 9, 10 at 7:35pm
  • Lmao. Kinda mean

    Submitted by ibrianna on Mar 9, 10 at 11:11pm
  • Fifth graders? Dude. Not cool.

    Submitted by softballcutie on Mar 9, 10 at 10:08pm
  • This day in age, elementary kids, have mobile phones.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 9, 10 at 9:04pm
  • I wish I had 60 bucks in fifth grade.

    Submitted by Allsports on Mar 11, 10 at 8:49am
  • I usually love tfln, but this just upsets me.

    Submitted by lauralizz on Mar 9, 10 at 9:15pm
  • 3:40 lol

    Submitted by cjhoops on Mar 10, 10 at 10:11am
  • must have been a shitty bong

    Submitted by sequioa on Mar 9, 10 at 8:02pm
  • They shoulda never gave you niggas money!

    Submitted by stikybriches on Apr 15, 11 at 9:19am
  • dudes, elm school kids are NOT innocent. I'm a soph in college and when I was in 5th grade my class mates used to get high off inhalants in some chicks garage, smoke cigarettes, and weed.

    Submitted by janedoeyo on Mar 10, 10 at 11:01am
    • yeah some girls from my school we're already doing the bang bang game in 5th grade.

      Submitted by madamcreepy69 on Mar 10, 10 at 11:12am
  • Wouldn't the bong alone be worth more than that?

    Submitted by k8ee on Mar 10, 10 at 4:25pm
  • 10:57- your parents are clearly dickheads and terrible parents. Why the fuck would you call the cops on your own kid just for having weed that is the most retarted thing i've ever heard in my entire life.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 9, 10 at 11:57pm
  • That's way under-priced for a bong. You're an idiot.

    Submitted by pwn on Mar 9, 10 at 7:23pm
  • Could you immagine gettin caught tryin to smoke oregano? At least you can use the arguement "it's not like it's illegal." LMFAO

    Submitted by BBCowboy808 on Mar 10, 10 at 4:10am
    • You can actually be arrested for having bags of oregano....they can still charge you with attempt to distribute because you were intending it to be pot.

      Submitted by bsitz on Mar 10, 10 at 8:38am
  • i dont understand why you'd give them the bong. oregano is clever tho

    Submitted by dsg215 on Mar 9, 10 at 8:29pm
  • Definitely illegal. Wondering if this guy will get popped?

    Submitted by sexyupsguy on Mar 10, 10 at 4:48pm
  • Dude they're balls haventb even dropped yet. Wtf

    Submitted by golightly on Mar 10, 10 at 12:48am
  • Totally got a bong in NYC small medium. $10 bucks.

    Submitted by MissGi on Aug 19, 10 at 9:58am
  • shouldve gotten way more than 60$ ur a terrible hustla

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 10, 10 at 12:58am
  • ahhh thats my area code!!!! hah

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 9, 10 at 7:22pm
  • Lmao.

    Submitted by fuuuuuck on Mar 11, 10 at 8:54pm
  • That's pretty shady. Fail.

    Submitted by jbubbya on Mar 9, 10 at 7:52pm
  • 5th graders r retarded i think im safe at 9th thiugh

    Submitted by AW_TFR on Mar 9, 10 at 11:23pm
  • Fake

    Submitted by italybj24 on Mar 9, 10 at 8:30pm
  • 11:57- yeah I agree. If my parents called the cops on me I would fucking kill them

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 10, 10 at 12:45am
  • You're a bad person....

    Submitted by PinkBubble on Mar 11, 10 at 2:27pm
  • This I'd so fucked up.... Man I wish I could see those kids trying to smoke that... Maybe their will be a placebo effect and they still get hi

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 9, 10 at 11:24pm
  • Not cool

    Submitted by 173osfc2 on Mar 9, 10 at 8:14pm
  • I love you Wichita.

    Submitted by sessaymelay on Mar 30, 10 at 9:44pm
  • That's wrong ... Those kids are way to young !

    Submitted by cao29 on Mar 10, 10 at 8:53am
  • I have done this :)

    Submitted by lolgasm4u on Mar 12, 10 at 1:52am
  • That is illegal

    Submitted by tfIn on Mar 9, 10 at 8:18pm
    • it's not illegal to sell oregano. and im not sure about the crazy american laws but its also not illegal to sell a bong

      Submitted by lickmyclit09 on Mar 9, 10 at 9:24pm
      • You're are right! As long as the bong hasn't been used with drugs!

        Submitted by peacebro on Mar 9, 10 at 9:56pm
        • FYI....Selling oregano and saying its pot holds the same penalties as selling pot.

          Submitted by bsitz on Mar 10, 10 at 8:41am
  • I've done that

    Submitted by MarcusBankz on Mar 9, 10 at 7:17pm
  • 8:43 so true and it sucks how it's like that these days no discipline. If my parents ever caught me with drugs they'd kick my ass out (saying this is the case while i'd still live my parents) and would call the cops on me

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 9, 10 at 10:57pm
  • Damn I woulda been one pissed off 5th grader!!!lmao

    Submitted by ends509 on Mar 10, 10 at 4:07am
  • This cracked me up

    Submitted by thatgirl35 on Mar 9, 10 at 7:14pm
  • A€£hole

    Submitted by amacphail on Mar 9, 10 at 9:31pm
  • Anyone watch the venture brothers? Lol.

    Submitted by everforsaken on Sep 22, 10 at 12:03am
  • you sir are a god

    Submitted by gingy36 on Nov 20, 10 at 10:49pm
  • 8:43- why would

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 10, 10 at 12:42am