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  • I find it really hard to believe someone whose mother died the previous day is out at karaoke night

    Submitted by ASUMeggz on Mar 13, 10 at 3:18pm
  • I can't say fake but drinking heavy with family is possible maybe she was trying to get her mind off it, when my dad passed we sat at the house and drank a bunch telling storys and stuff.

    Submitted by m15f1t on Mar 13, 10 at 7:37pm
  • Partying the day after your mom dies....I love when the texts are so fake you would have to be mentally challenged to believe them.

    Submitted by ButtBuddy on Mar 13, 10 at 3:53pm
  • Ouchh

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 13, 10 at 3:06pm
  • Soooo fucked

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 14, 10 at 12:31am
  • That is a fail

    Submitted by trogdor on Mar 13, 10 at 8:52pm

    Submitted by knuckles on Mar 13, 10 at 8:09pm
  • Lame

    Submitted by janky on Mar 13, 10 at 3:05pm
  • Mom?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 14, 10 at 4:40am
  • Ever thought Stacey hated her mom?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 13, 10 at 4:20pm
  • Ever think maybe he didn't sing it to her at the bar?

    Submitted by MeganEvans on Oct 30, 11 at 4:22pm
  • That's so messed up

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 13, 10 at 11:08pm
  • Why was she out partying if her mom died the day before?

    Submitted by leahhhhh on Mar 13, 10 at 3:16pm
  • That's in bad taste... And I wouldn't put patting like that past some ppl; have friends that will go out everyday of the year, no matter what holiday or what happens

    Submitted by LilOne on Mar 13, 10 at 11:10pm
  • Holla Hawaii boyyyyy!!!!!!

    Submitted by britney09 on Mar 13, 10 at 7:29pm
  • Why is this text on here? Not. Funny. At. All.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 13, 10 at 6:12pm
  • If she is partying the dad after a parent died, she may be Russian or Greek.

    Submitted by cfreymarc on Mar 13, 10 at 7:10pm
  • This better be fake, if not it's seriously effed up

    Submitted by 69_Charger on Mar 14, 10 at 5:16am
  • Okkkkhxhxjxjxj\n.7.).$,'xjcncnfnnfjdj

    Submitted by norfpo on Mar 13, 10 at 9:29pm
  • hahaha asshole

    Submitted by CountFunkula on Mar 13, 10 at 3:05pm
  • That's what she gets for going out to karaoke...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 13, 10 at 3:34pm
  • If she died yesterday she would be at the wake not the bar..fake

    Submitted by yessa on Mar 13, 10 at 3:49pm
  • You are so cool that you don't even have to sign up anymore. Wow! You are a true rockstar!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 13, 10 at 4:59pm
  • She could have been at a karaoke bar because she wanted to drink and have something to take her mind off her loss. Loud obnoxious drunks caterwauling for a few hours would take your mind off a lot of things.

    Submitted by DerKarismatisch on Sep 15, 12 at 10:47pm

    Submitted by slashtheband on Mar 13, 10 at 10:40pm
  • Did you find this out before or after the song?

    Submitted by kaylakayla on Mar 14, 10 at 3:17am
  • That shouldn't be funny. But I have a dark sense of humor

    Submitted by jenny_louise23 on Mar 13, 10 at 3:28pm
  • That's terrible but I did laugh. It's hard not to laugh. U guys no u laughed.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 14, 10 at 4:43pm
  • To buttbuddy, she could be drinking her pain away. Dick

    Submitted by sheepye on Mar 14, 10 at 12:08am
  • First nucca

    Submitted by yessa on Mar 13, 10 at 3:48pm
  • That's fuckin terrible u fuck

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 13, 10 at 10:30pm
  • Hey Santa cruz!!! Wutz up y'all?!!!

    Submitted by britney09 on Mar 13, 10 at 7:31pm
  • Mexican people suck. They're taking over the US we should all get out now

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 13, 10 at 3:48pm
  • Fake

    Submitted by B1gBadB1lly on Oct 4, 11 at 10:57am