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  • Why have a dog and bark yourself?

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 2, 09 at 5:44am
  • "maybe it's cause girls tend to get fat and stop caring about being sexy once they have a bf".... really? and what do guys do? stop shaving, stop bathing and start talking about the size of their poo. you think that's a turn on?

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 2, 09 at 11:22pm
  • Better get used to it if you get married! Ask me how I know.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 2, 09 at 12:17pm
  • I have the same problem and I'm a girl! FML

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 2, 09 at 5:59am
  • So true, and it doesn't matter how hot she is. You see it all travels back to primal man. A man finds a mate with the intentions of pro-creating. Due to the various forms of birth control after 7 years (my former relationship) of failing to impregnate your mate your body chemistry is less attracted due to the perception of infertility. This happens EVERY TIME... "Better get used to it..."

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 2, 09 at 12:49pm
  • your gf needs to put out more. or you need to step up your game man.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 2, 09 at 10:56am
  • W-T-Fucking F? I hate men.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 2, 09 at 4:49am
  • Dude.... thats so fuckn true! Brutal!

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 11, 09 at 11:02am
  • haha yeah i agree. it happened with me too

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 5, 09 at 4:15pm
  • Same shit here dude. I think it's just the timing. She only wants to have sex right before we go to sleep, I wanna fuck in the morning and around lunchtime, and at the more obscure hours. At bedtime, I just wanna fuckin' sleep.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 14, 09 at 12:54am
  • yeah totally, all the sex you have when you're dating someone, gets replayed in your head - and bam! you're whacking it!

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 5, 09 at 11:55am
  • I used to have that same problem... the trick is everytime you wanna go and she doesn't... do it to her anyway...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 3, 09 at 4:11pm
  • fml this better not be about me

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 9, 09 at 6:39pm
  • Maybe a hightened libido BECAUSE you now have a partner ?

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 2, 09 at 10:48am
  • scientificly prooven that you whack it more when your in a relationship!

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 6, 09 at 2:56pm
  • "Some say sex is overrated, but they just ain't doing it right!" -Ludacris

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 3, 09 at 1:12am
  • My and my roomate were discussing this. Having sex just makes you want to have more sex. It just steps your libido into overdrive.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 2, 09 at 8:57pm
  • no actually you are SUPPOSED to jack off more when you have a girlfriend...because you have more ammunition for jacking off is great for your health.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 3, 09 at 9:46pm
  • Same prob here, and I'm a girl

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 4, 09 at 1:03am
  • same here but thats because i chose for some odd reason to date a virgin

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 10, 09 at 4:28am
  • maybe it's cause girls tend to get fat and stop caring about being sexy once they have a bf.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 2, 09 at 3:16pm
  • haha too. and this is my area code. wait...I didn't post this when I was drunk did I?

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 4, 09 at 3:02pm
  • Same thing happened to me but that's because my former boyfriend couldn't give me an orgasm, sooo.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 2, 09 at 1:01pm
  • I also have the same problem. FML

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 2, 09 at 10:23am
  • This is so wrong! You need a girlfriend who is willing to match your libido. I agree being in a relationship increases your need to get off but hopefully your GF can take care of it.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 4, 09 at 2:31pm
  • at least your not whacking off to a statue

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 2, 09 at 4:00pm
  • Same thing here dude. Having a gf makes you whack it more. No question.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 4, 09 at 9:57am
  • word. and 7:32 you're an idiot.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 14, 10 at 8:52am
  • My boyfriend and some friends agree about that.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 3, 09 at 1:50pm
  • i have the same problem. FML

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 2, 09 at 4:57am
  • ahahha south pasadena

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 15, 09 at 9:54pm
  • To the last posted- That's your sign that you've done it to yourself too much, dude. Increasing how long you can go= good thing IF you can still get there w/ your girl.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 2, 09 at 8:19pm
  • W-T-Fucking-F? I hate men.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 2, 09 at 4:50am
  • this is my life as well and i'm a girl and have been with my man for awhile now and i haven't gotten fat. i think he's just lazy.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 3, 09 at 10:45pm
  • ya nothin wrong with it..havin a gf makes u horny at random times cause u have sex at random times not just drunk after the bars..u good

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 4, 09 at 7:57pm
  • i definitely whacked it more when i had a gf.....weird.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 2, 09 at 12:37pm
  • Something is definitely wrong! I agree with 2.31 you need to match each others libidos. My last bf never wanted to as much as I did, it's not all about sex but a relationship like that is never going to work out.

    Submitted by Aussiebum on Oct 26, 10 at 8:34am
  • No, perfectly normal. Consider it a work out before the actual match. Makes for better performance. I know, I do it.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 31, 09 at 9:37pm
  • naah it sounds about right...

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 3, 09 at 12:07am
  • I feel you on that one bruh. Im the only one that can make me come.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 2, 09 at 5:31pm
  • My ex-boyfriend NEVER wanted to have sex when I did, but he would constantly tell me about his experiences jacking off.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17, 09 at 8:04pm
  • Having sex produces testosterone, which makes you want to have sex more. That is why you masturbate more when you are in a relationship.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 16, 09 at 7:32pm
  • EXATCLY this happens to me too.

    Submitted by Jeremiah7272 on Oct 10, 10 at 9:54pm
  • I have a boyfriend and I schlick more now then before I dated him. It's thinking about the sex, then realizing you can't get it right then for some reason or another, that does it for me.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 15, 09 at 2:00pm
  • May 2, 2009 8:57PM Yeah, definitely.. VERY true.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 9, 09 at 1:01am
  • ha well since you spend all that time whacking off I wonder what your gf's up to...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 15, 09 at 1:36pm