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  • Haha hell yes 503! Brilliant

    Submitted by Rosencrantz on Mar 27, 10 at 5:25pm
  • Lmao.... I did the same thing lol

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 27, 10 at 3:37pm
  • I sort of expect that they're used to it, really.

    Submitted by Herschel on Mar 27, 10 at 11:53pm
  • dickheads like you are the reason it's so hard to get loans

    Submitted by dopegirlfreshhh on Oct 14, 10 at 4:42pm
  • I think the joke's on you in the end.

    Submitted by heyoh on Mar 27, 10 at 10:43pm
  • The typical in-debt American. Go you.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 29, 10 at 12:10am
  • I spent mines on getting a 2010 mustang... BROKE PIECES OF SHIT HAHA

    Submitted by bigmike1016 on Mar 28, 10 at 12:28am
  • Hey maybe you were paying her tuition haha. Cuz all strippers are going to college right? Don't worry though, your money went to good use... New make-up, baby wipes, and a few lines of blow.

    Submitted by tinamarie on May 27, 10 at 2:23am
  • Spending it on beer seems like a better idea but I like your style

    Submitted by kplumm on Mar 28, 10 at 5:51pm
  • I do the same thing, good thing I don't have fin aid advisors

    Submitted by burnquist764 on Mar 27, 10 at 2:45pm
  • Gotta be Portland. We've got the most strip clubs per capita than anywhere else.

    Submitted by HeroinFries on Jun 26, 10 at 5:42pm
    • It's not strip clubs, it's beer and winery's per capital. PDX is booze central. Duh.

      Submitted by darkinday on May 29, 11 at 10:40pm
  • Hahhah yes

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 27, 10 at 2:28pm
  • I just got mine too. I'm also spending it in the same way. If second graders try to stone me to death I will shield myself with the strippers boobs.

    Submitted by squid18 on Jun 16, 10 at 6:37am
  • Soon you're gonna need a medical AIDS advisor.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 27, 10 at 6:54pm
  • It replaced my iPhone!!! Lol

    Submitted by matt_t on Mar 28, 10 at 4:59am
  • Lol I did the same thing. No wait, I didn't. I just skipped the bs and paid for a verrry good bj

    Submitted by amonymous on Mar 27, 10 at 5:43pm
  • I don't think they care, it's your life to screw up. You'll regret it big time down the road when your friends have houses, and decent jobs and you'll be working at McDonalds.

    Submitted by maynard on Apr 12, 10 at 7:19am
  • Wait. You can do that...

    Submitted by paradigm2200 on Mar 29, 10 at 1:41am
  • People who use their loan money on strippers should be slowly stoned to death by hundreds of 2nd graders. - Mr. X

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 27, 10 at 11:22pm
  • I spent my money on a pair of sunglasses.

    Submitted by louboutinlvr on Mar 27, 10 at 9:55pm
  • Haha 654 sucks balls! Haha!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 27, 10 at 9:02pm
  • I bought a laptop, a spring break trip to FL, and 3 oz of weed to sell so could quit my job...haha, still making loan payments.

    Submitted by kwdizz on Mar 27, 10 at 6:38pm
  • 654 you suck balls.he never said he was fucking them.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 27, 10 at 7:35pm
  • Reppin the 503! Way to spend that money lol

    Submitted by pdxyankees on Mar 27, 10 at 11:29pm