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  • Post flyers around town telling people not to allow your parents to post flyers.

    Submitted by CatSnatchFever on Apr 16, 10 at 8:54am
  • I'm pretty sure you'll be in rehab in under 5 years. Yet another drain on society. Rock on.

    Submitted by WorstTextEver on Apr 16, 10 at 10:14am
  • Go to other stores

    Submitted by swimit08 on Apr 16, 10 at 7:08am
  • I am pretty sure your a animal if your parents have to bring flyers to liquor stores all over town get help haha

    Submitted by coorsisclassy on Apr 16, 10 at 8:34am
  • Just get some good ol' fashioned moonshine.

    Submitted by yousirareanass on Apr 16, 10 at 9:19am
  • Probably for the best hey.....

    Submitted by TimMc333 on Apr 16, 10 at 7:27am
  • Best defense to that: The fact that they are trying to post flyers is proof enough that you need the alcohol

    Submitted by AKubiak87 on Apr 16, 10 at 7:57am
  • What the hell else am I supposed to do in the 919? If I can't get women drunk, I'm out a good 40% of ways to spend my free time.

    Submitted by wdrake3 on Apr 16, 10 at 2:45pm
  • Go to aa

    Submitted by zdawgg24 on Apr 16, 10 at 2:36pm
  • R u my sister??lol pretty sure my parents r gna do the same. P

    Submitted by Ditzy4321 on Apr 16, 10 at 7:48pm
  • U sound like a local loser in the making.... Maybe ur parents are trying to help save u from yourself

    Submitted by Anonymous on Apr 16, 10 at 1:08pm
  • Sounds like you need to be prepping for your spelling test, drunk ass :)

    Submitted by junior33 on Apr 16, 10 at 7:17am
  • There is a line between funny texts about people in rough life situations - as happens in college - and clear, sad signs that you have a problem.

    Submitted by SpecialCake on Apr 16, 10 at 11:38pm
  • Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do.

    Submitted by MsSaurus on Apr 16, 10 at 7:47am
  • U gotta get it the best way u know how Their evil don't let them winnnnn

    Submitted by stasia12360 on Apr 16, 10 at 7:44am
  • Lmfao\nGet a hobo runner\nxD

    Submitted by femmebot on Apr 16, 10 at 9:47am
  • Ghgghgdd

    Submitted by stasia12360 on May 17, 10 at 7:04pm