Your an idiot if you'd hit someone for that. You don't want your sister cockblocking you, why are you gonna do it to her? You don't have to like it, but you do need to accept it.
That's stupid. If she's doing it in HER house clearly she's doing it by choice and doesn't need to be "protected". \n\nUnless you deny blowjobs from girls because oh no, that's somebody's sister/daughter, then you need to stfu about this protecting bullshit.
Submitted by
on Apr 23, 10 at 12:30am
That's stupid. If she's doing it in HER house clearly she's doing it by choice and doesn't need to be "protected". \n\nUnless you deny blowjobs from girls because oh no, that's somebody's sister/daughter, then you need to stfu about this protecting bullshit.
Submitted by
on Apr 23, 10 at 12:31am
I have a brother and he is very protective. With that being said, how do ya'll know how old this girl is? If she is old enough to wanna blow someone WTF should her brother wanna kick the guy's ass? Lol
Not all brothers have to be over protective douche nozzles. If she's old enough to legally give a blow job, she's old fucking enough to choose who she wants to suck off. Jeez... Anyway, this is a cool brother. He gave the kid a high five, congradulating a guy for a notch well done. This is how bros should be.
Why would her brother be upset? Sex in all forms is one of the great enjoyments of life, why would you want to deny anyone of that? That's why as a parent, I look forward to when my children become sexually active when they Are old enough and mature enough to do so. As long as they are respecting themselvsand being safe, it's a wonderful thing
You guys are dumb as fuck my brother walked in on me once told my boyfriend he could do better and to keep it down cuzz I was too loud there not super protective hahh
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