No, Randy. The submitter is correct. You only end it with the apostrophe after if the owners are plural. For example, the dish belonging to two dogs is the dogs' dish. The boys' bikes. Etc. Grammar lesson ended.
Wait, how is that different from what Randy said? I personally couldn't give a shit because it's a text, not an English paper, but now I'm just confused.
.... singular nouns ending in s (with the exception of certain religious figures) take 's, as the OP thought. plural nouns ending in s take only an apostrophe. "boss" is singular. grammar nazis who are wrong are cute.
I really fucking hate people who don't realize when you end something possessive with an "s", you add the apostrophe after the "s", not an apostrophe s.
I think this used to be the standard (it's how I learned it), but they've moved away from it.\n\nold:\n\nnew: (very reputable)\n (seems legit)
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