just added God to my list of friends who can only see my limited profile on facebook. its such a relief to know that He can't watch me fuck up my life anymore.
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But what about Ceiling Cat?
I think he has probably already seen enough to make his decisions if you were that worried...
Hahaha I love how he put effort into capitalizing 'he'
And didn't bother with capitalizing the "I" in "its".
Thats just plain funny. Its nice to pretend. lol
god doesn't exist.
Lol nice haha
Well let's hope u don't have a myspace too
must be fairly religious. capitalized "god" and "he" but nothing else haha
Someone just watched the new Barats and Bereta video.
I'm pretty sure he still can
Haha! Didn't even know one could choose separate friends to just see limited profile. How do u do it?
best idea ever. shhhmmyeahh ;]
shmay :)
You are an idiot. Just stfu.
Nice try...but it's GOD!
i like how theres a fifity fifty split between gods existance by rubber chicken
Dfwstangs.. Post tits or gtfo
God is your friend on Facebook??
LOL! (literal)
Oh yes he can!
Haha, avoidance fail
Oh, if only it were that easy...
Barats and Bereta did this....just sayin
This dudes totally unoriginal
dude...he probably can even watch you jack off...or even see through the feelings you have for your mom..\noh wait
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