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  • Don't you mean you MacGrubered that shit together? They're trying to promote a movie here for fucks sake

    Submitted by 860516 on May 11, 10 at 9:26am
  • Pretty smart

    Submitted by Lebanese_Spice on May 12, 10 at 5:40am
  • GREAT IDEA!! deffnately going to have to try that one day

    Submitted by AnimeBabe on May 11, 10 at 11:09am
  • bras suck, i'd rather go without one

    Submitted by jayy on May 11, 10 at 6:05pm
  • Oh great now when I motarboat you I can floss too my dentist will be soo proud!

    Submitted by 69_Charger on May 11, 10 at 11:46am
  • omg i've had that happen in the middle of ringing up an order!! the guy looked at me like my boobs had popped!!

    Submitted by hunnietomybee on May 11, 10 at 4:41pm
  • just go free

    Submitted by plateman420 on May 18, 10 at 5:13am
  • Anti-hippy, and handy too. Nice.

    Submitted by Herschel on May 12, 10 at 5:44pm
  • Ok so.... I was watching MacGrubber when I read this... awesome

    Submitted by chrisagreat on Oct 10, 10 at 4:20am
  • @jackaroundjoe- please look up the definition of whore- your fifth grade education is showing........dumbass

    Submitted by jprincess on May 11, 10 at 6:44pm
  • U must have some big o titties

    Submitted by sperman96 on May 11, 10 at 11:31am
  • Lol, English is the best language ever: you can turn ANYTHING into a verb! This "Macguyvered" made my day! I wish Italian could do the same...

    Submitted by AliceHope on Oct 20, 10 at 4:25pm
  • To the guy who wants to promote MacGruber, you dumbass you probably don't know where that movie came from

    Submitted by Lamar15 on Feb 10, 11 at 12:08am
  • MacGuyver would be proud

    Submitted by Griffmaster01 on May 12, 10 at 1:20am
  • I've so been there. Still holding strong after over 6 months. Floss is like the duct tape of the sewing world or some shit.

    Submitted by cun7n1nja on May 14, 10 at 5:44am
  • Your a whoreee

    Submitted by jackaroundjoe on May 11, 10 at 4:11pm