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  • Switch the labels

    Submitted by rider8511 on May 18, 10 at 2:08pm
  • Impressed. At least he is smart enough to keep his balls out of his face.

    Submitted by frootyboom8 on May 18, 10 at 2:09pm
  • Be impressed. I know girls with razors labeled "legs" and "pubes."

    Submitted by cfreymarc on May 18, 10 at 2:32pm
  • Only if something is crawling on the one labeled "pubes". If not, keep this guy!

    Submitted by anon33 on May 18, 10 at 2:05pm
  • Don't fuck with a man's "face" razor.

    Submitted by donkeydong on May 18, 10 at 2:06pm
  • Wait until you've seen the state of his pubes...then you can decide.

    Submitted by whenyoucomehome on May 18, 10 at 3:07pm
  • Impressed... But u should still switch em

    Submitted by mikehawk1206 on May 19, 10 at 10:38am
  • Hmm...that would kinda make me wonder just what is goin' on down south...

    Submitted by citizenkane on May 18, 10 at 10:14pm
  • Impressed for sure. I do the same thing, I don't want balls I my face.

    Submitted by cam792 on May 18, 10 at 2:30pm
  • I have a blue pube razor and a grey face razor. I'm a guy and I'm proud of this

    Submitted by schlop on May 19, 10 at 1:34am
  • baller

    Submitted by darthwader on May 18, 10 at 2:18pm
  • Girls separate the two all the time, so why is it wierd if a guy does it?

    Submitted by Michguy on May 18, 10 at 4:32pm
    • Well for one, a girl uses the razor for her legs and pubes, a guy uses it for his FACE and pubes...Major difference!

      Submitted by Glamis4Life08 on May 19, 10 at 2:12am
  • Impressed. You found a guy who does not want his face to be in contact with his pubes.

    Submitted by bananaphone3 on May 18, 10 at 4:06pm
  • never heard of girls separating them. pointless.

    Submitted by spike_the_punch on May 18, 10 at 11:12pm
  • That is what I call organization!

    Submitted by Chuck_Bass_FTW on May 18, 10 at 3:05pm
  • impressed he shaves. no one wants a bush. lol.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 18, 10 at 4:09pm
  • Impressed.... Def impressed

    Submitted by codii on May 19, 10 at 12:26am
  • It's definitely a good thing. Uncle Cletus is only upset because somebody shaved his face with his dirty ball sack.

    Submitted by An0n on May 18, 10 at 3:03pm
  • No you should be glad. Pube tasting face is gross. And so face tasting pubes

    Submitted by purpleispretty on May 18, 10 at 9:33pm
  • impressed that he knows that chicks don't want a pube stuck in the back of their throat any more than a guy does.

    Submitted by Turbowang on May 19, 10 at 8:54pm
  • Impressed, but only mildly. That's standard procedure if you use a razor on your pubes. I find that a good unguarded beard trimmer does the job, but if he likes the baby's bottom look (more power to him, btw), then he should definitely label them.

    Submitted by Brian_in_Indy on May 19, 10 at 2:55pm
  • Impresssed!

    Submitted by cbtango on May 18, 10 at 2:50pm
  • I'mpressive

    Submitted by Megzii on May 19, 10 at 10:18am
  • Impressed, for sure

    Submitted by justherself on May 18, 10 at 10:55pm
  • impressed

    Submitted by didorox2011x3 on May 19, 10 at 1:29pm
  • He labeled them? What a dickfuck.

    Submitted by Uncle_Cletus on May 18, 10 at 2:51pm