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  • Then you've got to adapt to the environment and jack off somewhere cooler and more comfortable. Like the library.

    Submitted by Anonymous_ on May 25, 10 at 12:07pm
  • so glad i'm a girl. just gotta keep a fresh set of batteries.

    Submitted by lalalalalalala on May 26, 10 at 12:00am
  • You can Jack me off

    Submitted by bdog on May 25, 10 at 6:37pm
  • Man up

    Submitted by trke0302 on May 25, 10 at 1:13pm
  • Hate it when that happens

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 25, 10 at 10:44am
  • Just wait till nite time an go n the back yard prob solved!

    Submitted by uhateme on May 25, 10 at 11:40am
  • I'll suck it in the shower for u

    Submitted by tazz36 on May 30, 10 at 10:53pm
  • Naim is used to taking two

    Submitted by big_dubya56 on May 25, 10 at 8:09pm
  • New drinking game, every time someone mentions something about summer take a shot. If it's fake take 2.

    Submitted by Naim on May 25, 10 at 12:36pm
  • Just take a shower and Jack off there!

    Submitted by candy29 on May 25, 10 at 4:56pm
  • I've been there. Get one of those big stand-up fans, and point it straight at yourself. It's a bit weird, but far less bad than heatstroke with your dick out.

    Submitted by Herschel on May 25, 10 at 5:36pm
  • I feel you pain. I don't know which would be more satisfying: masturbating or a cold shower.

    Submitted by wantyoubad on May 25, 10 at 5:21pm
  • its not fun when u cant jerk off in the heat and u like pass out

    Submitted by yodada on May 27, 10 at 5:42pm
  • That's hot!!!

    Submitted by blndeDIVA on May 28, 10 at 11:25pm