If I'm going to go gay, i'm not going to go for a tiny dick.
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Dude, trust me, you're gonna want that tiny dick for anal. Seriously.
Go big or go home.....hahah
Lol hey might as well go all the way dude.
this kid's motto is, "If you do anything do it big."
True that! Keep your standards high...
Beggars can't be choosers.
i agree you will want a lil one
No, start small. In fact start tiny. Imagine a virgin complaning about size before she gets popped. I will tell you though sex with women smells better.
Have fun poopin pancakes.
I got 7"x5" for u let's see if u can take it then go bigger
the fact that you've thought about what you'd switch sides for pretty much changes your orientation anyway...sorry
That is not something you text your friend.
Lol fagfagfagfagfagfagfagfagfag
Words to live by.
@BondDaddy\n\nBecause every homosexual person has AIDs, you ignorant little prick
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