its like national bring your ginger to the pool day or something
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I love ginger girls. They're so cute!
Lots of sunblock!
Alen001- I just came across this site called SHUT THE FUCK UP. If you Google STFU you should come up first result. Dbag
Hey Alen001, go suck your mom's dick.
Gingers are sexy well atleast some are
wssc? yess
Cartman would definitely not go swimming in that pool!
Gingers, minorities, first graders...he really can't stand swimming with anyone, can he?
Gingers representin :)
I love gingers!!!!!!
Gingers can't swim:( but they're still great!
Gingers have no souls
GINGERS ARE THE BEST!!! I'm dating one...and I think I'm gonna marry her. She's that ginger-tastic.
I kno a cute ginger girl.
I <3 Gingers!!! All the hot ones are taken...
I just burned down your farm on Farmville!! Haha!
Everybody needs a Ginger in their life :) me an my best friend are gingers.
Lmao ONE_HUNG_LOW that is the greatest thing i ever
I'm a ginger
Gingers rock!! Keep the ginger gene alive!
Fuck u one hung low
Eww.. Day walkers are gross.. Watch out they will try to steal your soul
Now that's just nasty.
Awww sick!!!!!!!
Gingers are soul less. Well Ryann Clark is at least
Cartman was there with them too right
but gingers can't be in the sun without an umbrella!
don't call me a ginger!
Gingers will eat your soul
My boyfriend and I are gingers!
Eewwwwww gingers
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