omfg. get on facebook. the science olympiad team had a rave.
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Best rave ever.
I'm trying to picture a science Olympiad rave at my school, and all I'm getting is a mental image of Asians drinking sake.
Hahaha fuckin awesome
Yeah Cleveland.....represent!!
Who knew nerds had raves???
Haha this is funny It's not suprising though because on chemistry classes the teachers are like "haha and that's how they found heroin"
Lawl wicked funny, what's ur email to your fb?
No anonymous...not only in Cleveland. This could have happened anywhere.
A decent text for once
They must have had a crazy time
I was on a science Olympiad team and that would have been a sick rave
I WAS THERE.\nit was rad.
Mentor high's team probs. They Are partiers
solon son
Oh sheesh y'all... tWas a dream
Only in Cleveland
First bitches!!!!!!!!
M D M A !
No No, whoever gave me thumbs down... it really IS from New York. The person paying for her phone lives in Ohio... idiots.
Actually, this was from New York. I can't believe this made it to the website, lmao <3
Solon, OH SO team represent!
Raving douchbags FTW
Not even close 7:17
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