no thats horrible. \nif you were sitting near anyone normal, you'd have been reported to the flight attendants and youre phone would be confiscated till the flight was over
Fivetwnsgrl : grow up. It's not the end of the world. Besides, the flight attendants text from the back. This isn't middle school; no one's taking up phones.
airplane mode isn't for texting and talking on planes.. d'uh. it basically turns your iphone into a fancy mp3 player... it cuts off the network conection. fucking dumbass.
Actually they never tell you to turn off your cell phones for the whole flight. They just say it in the beginning to turn off all electrical devices so the plane can connect to autopilot. After that they tell you it is now safe to turn on everything.
actually they do.\nThey tell you to turn off all electronic devices for take off and landing.\nThen they tell you you may turn on any approved electronic devices.\nWhich, at the beginning of the flight they inform you do not include any kind of cellphones or blackberries.
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