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  • Good year

    Submitted by CherryPoppa on Jun 7, 10 at 12:33pm
  • I wonder of you were the drunk cousin that I saw there?

    Submitted by haviland on Jun 7, 10 at 10:36pm
  • Jaboo's sage opinion is highlighted by the lack of a crucial word.

    Submitted by Futbolisto on Jun 7, 10 at 12:14pm
    • hahahha forgot the "way" ...being thorough isn't easy with a hangover.

      Submitted by jasboo on Jun 7, 10 at 2:53pm
  • This is exactly why my sister wants hers at a vineyard

    Submitted by hockeybabe on Jun 7, 10 at 1:47pm
  • weddings are boring and big mistakes, the only to get through them is to drink!

    Submitted by jasboo on Jun 7, 10 at 12:06pm
  • Anyone planning a vineyard wedding should be forwarded this text. They nerd to understand what to expect.

    Submitted by somethingwitty on Jun 7, 10 at 11:47am