Hey shitwad cimi, you're just pissed cuz your third world country only gets Internet for 15 mins a day and even that connection is recieved through a satellite made by a hubcap and a stick.
Sorry, Dubya, but fighting dumbshit comments with dumbshit comments only makes you (and, in this case, your entire country) look like the bigger dumbshit. Ridiculing a nation for its poverty only makes you look like a complete dick. And the term "third world" has been obsolete since the Soviet Union (the "second world") collapsed. You're just providing fodder for cimi's argument, which, as an American myself, irritates me, as we are not all dumbshits like yoursel
I literally joined this to say what a dumbass cimi is.. Holy crap.. hahaha.. the guys is an idiot..? Im not from the states but i got the joke straight up.. Can we start a FB group just for cimi..? Please.. This is too funny.. But for real, please have someone taping your bf's reaction and link it here..
U know I'm not saying we r the best here in the USA but Cimi...WTF r u trying to say? Plz come back and explain to me or someone else plz explain his post
Cimi..just stfu.. Everyone else, america is not the smartest country in the world. Just cus cimi doesn't get our humor doesn't mean we would get his/her country's humor.
Cimi you're a douche and just by you making that comment shows how much smarter Americans are than the rest of the world when you can't even understand our humor
Cimi did you not get it? Dude, idiots like you is why our countries look bad, you MUST be english, I'm scottish and we have 'kill the english twat' radars, if not english then certainly retarded, dude gtfo.
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