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  • and also because the kitchen smells like puke you now get a level 9 bitch slap?

    Submitted by underagehangover on Jun 13, 10 at 7:18pm
  • Throwing up on them is the drunken way of calling dibs.

    Submitted by RuralNinja on Jun 14, 10 at 12:17am
  • Jamar, I'm eighth. Just sayn'

    Submitted by Beaglehead on Jun 14, 10 at 7:33am
  • Southern Indiana at it's best

    Submitted by OcFarmboy on Jun 14, 10 at 12:01am
  • @jmar well to be honest I can care less about first I just do it to annoy people

    Submitted by pdpotman420 on Jun 13, 10 at 10:35pm
  • That sucks I can understand if it's thier puke but if not that sucks... First

    Submitted by pdpotman420 on Jun 13, 10 at 4:05pm
  • God I miss Indiana... If you're posting this from IU you've done us proud

    Submitted by hoosiergrad on Jun 15, 10 at 2:50am
  • Ew that person definitely gets that job!!

    Submitted by dragonfly15 on Jun 13, 10 at 4:05pm
  • Hahah that's way too funny

    Submitted by dova on Jun 13, 10 at 11:53pm
  • Potman as much as the whole first thing gets on my nerves I respect how you did it, with an actual commet that's a good idea and thank you for not being another average person that posts what number you are...

    Submitted by jmar411 on Jun 13, 10 at 4:28pm
  • Smh I used to live there -___-

    Submitted by RawrrNinja on Jun 16, 10 at 9:55am