democrats still give republicans shit for bush just so that they do not have to face the fact that their knight in shining armour is running our country to the ground. If you think that republicans are so "self-righteous", you need to get a reality check because MANY democrats are the definitio of self-righteous
Haha, perfect analogy. People that care about the country don't like republicans OR democrats. Both are bending over to corporate America instead of legitimately helping the public.
Haha can I just say I love that people take a website like this so seriously they fight over funny texts?? Take it at face value and grab a natty light.
And complete idiocracy is for the Democrats. Life isn't fair. Get that through your thick do-gooder skulls and realize that without Capitalism America would never have become a country. We'd be like almost every other socialist country: bankrupt.
As opposed to how well we're doing now. How's is that again? Oh yeah: bankrupt. At least otherwise we'd have health care and be less poor and sick all the time.
Firstly, this is confusing because the socialist European countries are doing MUCH better than we are.\n\nSEcondly, just the richest 10% of the country has 70% of the wealth. If 90% of the country is poor, the rich 10% doesn't make us well off. It is the duty of the government to do what is best for the people, not just the rich ones. \n\nThirdly, very few people are socialists, and those that are do not identify as democrats. Stop listening to Fox News and other pure rhetoric.
I've fot to hand it to the delusional leftists who believe socialist Europe is "better off", and like to pull fake statistics out of thin air, you guys are nuts; or you just cant read GDP reports! Poor people in the US are many times better off than the income equated poor of the EU, and much, much better off then the poor of China or other socialized dictatorships of the 3rd world. The historical record is crystal clear. Never has mankind enjoyed such advancement in wealth and living stand
Submitted by
on Jan 19, 11 at 10:45pm
Republicans are the least dignified people I've ever seen. Here's an example: democrats put up with GW Bush for eight years and cept the jokes about him mostly political. Obama is not even done with his first term and republicans are saying how they are gonna shoot him and shit.
Wow, I will admit some of the shit being said by radicals about Obama is a little much, but saying Democrats "put up" with Bush is damn near childish. The things said about him were by no means political, and since Obama is the first president to receive death threats(sarcasm) we should really be worried. But then again what do you expect from a democrat who gets mad at the watch dog party pointing out the current presidents faults, its not like they were doing for eight years or anything
wow, that's an entirely classy response full of idiocy and lacking any legitimate argument. However, it was a typical argumentative point, it's exactly what I was expecting.
When this site goes political, it goes to hell fast. Stop posting political texts; they are never funny. And for the guy who argued that European socialist countries are doing better than the US, I recommend reading Hayek or Friedman or Rand to understand why that is either untrue or irrelevant
Gdg Capitalism would be great if it actually were a free trade market. Problem is when your government catered to big business for so long and allowed these clowns to monopolize the money you have the economic status of the past 5 years. Especially when people are bailing out the banks that are taking their homes. Read a little more then form an opinion chief
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