Whatever, do what makes you happy. On one highly amusing evening, I knitted and drank wine while watching football as my roommate ate pizza and drank beer, and stared at me in horror. A sense of humor (and the ability to make awesome things out of yarn) is much more fun than conforming to societal expectations.
Wine seriously detracts from my knitting skills. I have definitely gone from working in stockinette to working in a round while drunk. It's good that you're increasing your drunk knitting tolerance so you can be a classy old lady sooner.
Ahhh, poor little twelve year-old. Let me explain something to you, honey. Those of us who aren't alcoholics give our livers nights off. We learn that there are nights for drinking a lot, nights where we don't need to drink, and nights when a nice glass of wine is quite enough drinking. But if you want, go ahead and try to party like a twenty-one year-old every night of the week. We'll see how long you last. And by the way...I'm an Alaskan woman. Don't ever think you can tel
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