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  • ...that I don't die

    Submitted by CitizenScrappy on Jul 28, 10 at 1:49pm
  • 5:13, Anthrax isn't really that dangerous unless it's weaponized.

    Submitted by pbyrd on Jul 28, 10 at 5:46pm
  • Well, as long as you've got your potato, I guess you'll be all right...

    Submitted by tmoh on Oct 2, 12 at 2:29am
  • It worked for Anna Nicole Smith....oh wait no it didn't...well good luck

    Submitted by Sethro on Jul 28, 10 at 2:04pm
  • Try this crush up an ambian a concerta and a Xanax mix it up and divide up line I call it threes company

    Submitted by firstkiller187 on Jul 28, 10 at 3:41pm
  • @ prison inmate with all the gaytard numbers. Rule guy is funny. How you continue to be on tfln and hate everybody who's here? You got bigger issues than Rule dude and firsty pal.

    Submitted by im_twelve on Jul 28, 10 at 3:15pm
  • I think Whitney Houston said the same thing once.

    Submitted by guitarmageddon on Jul 28, 10 at 2:42pm
  • @first killer.. concerta can't b crushed up. nice try asshole\n\n@op.. why do you gotta portray Pittsburgh like that? if you have to b a fiene and brag about it on a website atleast change the fuckin area code

    Submitted by dopegirlfreshhh on Oct 2, 10 at 11:39pm
  • @110340 Rule 14: Dont feed a troll or he wins. I win.

    Submitted by TheRuleBook on Jul 28, 10 at 2:07pm
  • Did firsty get snorted?

    Submitted by MrSubarashi on Jul 28, 10 at 1:44pm
  • wow you seem like a real winner!!!! Hope you die in a ditch, addict pathetic loser

    Submitted by dec378 on Jul 29, 10 at 9:07pm
  • Heh... "here's a bottle of water, good luck. "

    Submitted by pichu180 on Jul 28, 10 at 1:46pm
  • Where's the anthrax when you need it?

    Submitted by maskedman on Jul 28, 10 at 5:13pm
  • let's put some chlorofoam infront of that kid on a napkin.

    Submitted by mixn on Jul 29, 10 at 12:33am
  • 110340, YOU are the reason people like rulebook and firsty get their jollies off on tfln, cuz you give them attention. Way to go slapdick.

    Submitted by jondime23 on Jul 28, 10 at 3:21pm
  • Hopefully you snort some anthrax and die. You fucking waste of space.

    Submitted by urallstupid on Jul 28, 10 at 5:51pm
  • someone put dog shit covered in lucas in front of him

    Submitted by stolenduck43 on Jul 28, 10 at 2:16pm
  • Nice...

    Submitted by music1991 on Jul 28, 10 at 2:10pm
  • Rulebook will post some sort of unfunny and unclever rule pertaining to this text because he has no life. Nobody finds your little rules funny, please just stop. It's really damn annoying. I've never found one rule clever or humorous. And it's sad that you sit and wait for a new text to pop up every day just to make a little rule.

    Submitted by 110340 on Jul 28, 10 at 1:49pm
  • Why don't you snort some self-respect?

    Submitted by NCA on Jul 28, 10 at 7:30pm
  • Good luck with that mannn!

    Submitted by damn_gurl on Jul 28, 10 at 1:47pm
  • Mary got a bloody nose from sniffing margarita mix

    Submitted by JJdoggie on Jul 28, 10 at 3:10pm
  • hahaha ohhhh pittsburgh.... <3

    Submitted by 412bitchhh on Jul 28, 10 at 8:12pm
  • Rulebook is alright, at least he has nothing to do with pretzels or the word first and his posts pertain to the subject (unlike yours) As for the OP, I'm thinking his time may be winding down.

    Submitted by DestruKto on Jul 28, 10 at 2:28pm
  • A cock?

    Submitted by megora on Jul 28, 10 at 5:39pm
  • Bump-bump-bump BUMP IT UP!!!!

    Submitted by mintyshake on Jul 28, 10 at 2:17pm