so,apparently a side effect from having sex on the beach is now i have a tanline shaped like your sister
i hate you
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I hope u used protection! Uv 50 or higher! Lol
its always funny to bone relatives of friends..can talk so much shit
You can't beat that probably the best thing I have ever read before
Just make sure it's girl-on-top. We don't like sandy vaginas.
If she was on bottom then she would be the one with the tan line... clearly she was on top
texts like these shouldn't even have a choice of thumbs down.
@tatteredtorn: I haven't seen that rule in TheRuleBook, was that The How To Badly Post On TFLN For Dummies version?
sounds like downside for her is sunburn on the ass
Very much full of win!
Y'all were in a certain position long enough to get a tanline? And all he said was I hate you? Wow
Haha nice
Haha classic!
Finally! Tx for saving this lame TFLN day op.
Only in Ohio. Honestly
Rule: Sisters and mothers are off limits for jests. Respect the women, they all ready have to deal with less power as it is. No Exceptions Douchebags.
do you want some sunscreen...for that burn?
I wish I could thumb up more than once
Good old north east Ohio
Sisters ftw!
Way too funny....
I don't get it.. :( wish I was smart
Thts ok cuz once tht clears up ur getting one from me!!!!
That's awesome best of the day
Thats hilarious
This is awesome!
Haters gon hate
Finally, a text that belongs here!! Thank you 330
How can this be a 'good night' when it happened in the daytime?
@ therulebook stfu bro.
Boom roasted
Rule: if your sister is remotely attractive one of your friends will have sex with her. No exceptions
Man I got so much sand in my ass when I did that
Shaped like his sister? You fucking baby raper.
How do you get a tan line of an elephant?
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