For those who brag about handling their liqour, consider this. Like all drugs, alcohol rewards those who use it frequently with increased tolerance and consumption ability. Now in a classic "mine is bigger than yours" contest, the alchololic will win hands down, but is this really a victory? It takes the alchololic more to get drunk, which costs more and does greater liver damage, and if he stops drinking he will have withdrawl. Compared to the guy who never drinks, gets shitfaced off very little
wow you really are a bitch for not handling your alcohol. consider this. i'm 22, been drinking since i was 18 and i drink hard when i go out and party, and i can count on one hand how many times i've hugged the toilet. step your drinking game up or quit it entirely. if you're a girl, this is understandable. if you're a guy, turn your dick in. bitch.
wow you really are a bitch for not handling your alcohol. consider this. i'm 22, been drinking and i drink hard when i go out and party, and i can count on one hand how many times i've hugged the toilet. step your drinking game up or quit it entirely. if you're a girl, this is understandable. if you're a guy, turn your dick in. bitch.
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