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  • teach a man to fish... she's just helping ensure he lands a job with the Keebler elves.

    Submitted by MissScorpion on Aug 21, 10 at 3:21pm
  • Nothing wrong with being friendly and people should always find better ways to makebrownies..... 300% sure they make the world go around

    Submitted by peoplewithaids on Aug 21, 10 at 11:05pm
  • :/ I love brownies.

    Submitted by TheRuleBook on Aug 21, 10 at 2:19pm
  • /insert comment on how my hard-earned tax dollars fund your phone conversations and brownie making

    Submitted by mel24 on Aug 21, 10 at 1:34pm
  • Well, unemployment in Vegas is almost 15%. I know, I live there. I find this completely justified. At least this lucky bastard got someone NICE at the unemployment office.

    Submitted by Darth_Taco on Aug 22, 10 at 12:13am
  • you're unemployed? shocking.

    Submitted by jaybram24 on Aug 21, 10 at 3:16pm